Arbejde Senior Director and Director, Project Management Syddanmark LEGO SYSTEM A/S - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: Senior Director and Director, Project Management

Are you an inspiring and trustworthy leader? This is your opportunity to take on a pioneering position, where you are part of creating an organisation, which will nurture and capitalise on the power of the collective creativity and capabilities of people across the LEGO Group. Manage resources, build competencies and leverage our business model We are rolling out a new organisation in Product Marketing & Development to enable a more consumer oriented focus and capacity for leadership. To do so, we are introducing segments as the future scope of our business, each with a very specific consumer and play experience focus. Here, you will build up a cross-functional Leadership Team with a Design and Marketing Senior Director, where you will have responsibility for a specific segment. Together, you will coach, develop and set the direction for a core team. In particular, your responsibilities include: Organising a strong and motivated project management segment team, including proactive resource planning, people management and development Defining and implementing the global strategy for your segment, including setting business and experience targets, communication targets and follow-through via activity plans Leveraging the LEGO® Operating model in terms of speed and impact in order to bring simplicity into the complex innovation process, including particular focus on supply value chain Complexity management, including managing budget, new products and element frameworks Working with innovation leadership on a short- to long-term perspective Representing the segment in cross-organisational fora and sometimes lead initiatives on behalf of the broader project management organisation Nurture a culture of innovation In the LEGO Family, we expand the imaginations of millions of children, because we also inspire our people to invent, create and transform. In order to reach and enrich many more children in the future with our product, brand and marketing propositions, we are embarking on this change, which will enable us to further embrace innovation and prepare us for the future. This role will give you a deep insight into - and thorough understanding of - our global value chain, which plays a significant role in enabling our mission to inspire and develop the builders of tomorrow. Experienced and engaging people leader with project management expertise Bringing a healthy dose of entrepreneurship with you will be essential, as you will be joining an organisation with new ways of working, and where you will navigate in the unknown. The key to your success is to make decisions, prioritising and creating transparency. And you are an inspiring and trustworthy leader with an interest in what drives and motivates your team - while making room for the Project Managers in their role. Your qualifications: Significant experience working with the full value chain through project management or in a line management leadership role - ideally in globally oriented companies A proven record of leading Senior Project Managers with full business case responsibility and complex governance structures, involving top management stakeholders Experience from leading change management processes A Master´s degree, probably within engineering, logistics or a commercial field, and the ability to speak and write English effortlessly Bringing it to life "We are entering uncharted territory. So to truly make an impact, you must be a strong leader, able to guide your team through periods of uncertainty and bring our area to the next level," says Senior Director Birgitte Bloksgaard.

Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEGO SYSTEM A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 79506070

Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion

land: Danmark

region: Syddanmark

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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