Arbejde React Native Developer unspecified LoudStand IVS - jobtilbud
reference: 4917734
documentId: 4917734
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1544617565823
stillingsbetegnelse: React Native Developer
Job Description
We are looking for a React Native developer interested in building the next generation mobile app for football fans. We want to bring football back to fans and deliver their voice to the football clubs. Your contribute is essential for us to accomplish our mission!
You need to be able to program performant mobile apps on both the iOS and Android platforms. You will be responsible for architecting and building the application, as well as collaborating with our Product Manager, responsible for other layers of the product infrastructure. Building a product is a highly collaborative effort, and as such, a strong team player with a commitment to perfection is required.
- Build pixel-perfect, buttery smooth UIs across both mobile platforms.
- Leverage native APIs for deep integrations with both platforms.
- Diagnose and fix bugs and performance bottlenecks for performance that feels native.
- Reach out to the open source community to encourage and help implement mission-critical software fixes—React Native moves fast and often breaks things.
- Maintain code and write automated tests to ensure the product is of the highest quality.
Job Requirements
- Firm grasp of the JavaScript language and its nuances, including ES6+ syntax
- Knowledge of functional or object-oriented programming
- Ability to write well-documented, clean Javascript code
- Having a high level understanding of React
- Rock solid at working with third-party dependencies and debugging dependency conflicts
- Experience with real-time data base implementations
- Familiarity with native build tools, like XCode, Gradle, Android Studio or IntelliJ
- Understanding of REST APIs, the document request model, and offline storage
- Experience with automated testing suites
How To Apply
Send your application to alberto (at) and you will hear from us very soon!
If you have any doubts call us to the following phone number: +4552820855
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: LoudStand IVS
source: DK-STAR
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