Arbejde Senior Technician - Pharmaceutical Product Support unspecified LEO PHARMA A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg4MjYwNCA3

reference: 4882604

documentId: 4882604

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1537789873463

Senior Technician - Pharmaceutical Product Support


Senior Technician / Administrative Employee in Pharmaceutical Product Support in R&D

Are you looking for new challenges where your day to day tasks vary and not two days are the same?

Perhaps you are a laboratory technician, pharmacy assistant, process technologist or something similar - the most important thing is that you enjoy working in a dedicated team in the pharmaceutical industry and are familiar with GMP environments.

About us:

Pharmaceutical Product Support is a part of Pharmaceutical Design & Development in Global Research & Development. We are 38 employees divided into three departments and the position is in the Stability Logistics Team, consisting of six colleagues.

We are responsible for setting up the stability studies and making sure they run smoothly. The studies support the products all over the world.

We are responsible for all the logistics and the storage in accordance with GMP as well as the documentation in our Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). We are also responsible for LEO Pharma´s climate facilities, where we can invite you on a trip from "Sahara" to "Antarctica".

In addition, we have the important administrative task of archiving the development documentation for all LEO Pharma products and being able to retrieve the documents and information fast and reliably when needed.
Pharmaceutical Product Support also has an important support function during inspections of LEO Pharma´s Danish and international production sites, and the climate facilities are subject to inspections from international Health Authorities.

 The position:

The position in Stability Logistics is shared in 50% archiving tasks and document maintenance in close cooperation with our administrative staff and 50% stability logistics tasks, securing sample flow and traceability from receiving the samples from internal customers, storing the samples in climate facilities and shipping samples for laboratory analysis. 
In addition, you will have operational tasks in the climate rooms, taking part in a surveillance schedule on call, checking and archiving weekly reports. 
In addition to the tasks defined above, the position also contains varying "ad hoc" tasks, report writing, etc. in close collaboration with our product responsible analysis chemists.


Your interests and experience:

• You have an education corresponding to technician, pharmacy assistant or process technician.
• You have experience in working in regulated environments (e.g. GDP, GCP or GMP), writing and updating SOP’s and working instructions in Danish and English
• You are a routine IT user (experience with Microsoft office, SAP and Vault Quality Docs and LabWare is considered a plus but is not a requirement)
• You are a structured and tidy person and used to ensure that order and traceability is maintained in systems and your surroundings 
• You are both a team player and also able to work independently with your own tasks
• You are fluid in English, both in writing and orally
• You can interact easily with people across the organization and importantly you have a good sense of humor and enjoy an open and informal environment


If this sounds like your dream job, please send your application!


Application deadline:

21. oktober 2018.



Job type:


Working hours:


Working days:



Senior Manager Birgitte Wenzell Olesen; mobile 25664117

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEO PHARMA A/S

source: DK-STAR


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