Arbejde R&D - Data Management Graduate: Kick-start your career Hovedstaden Novo Nordisk A/S - jobtilbud
R&D - Data Management Graduate: Kick-start your career
- Graduate - Denmark - Søborg Begin your journey of a lifetime in September 2016. If you are ready to discover just how far your talent can take you, we invite you to explore our Global Development Graduate Programme. In Global Development, we lead the clinical activities from entering a clinical testing through the submission and approval phase and when the drug has entered the market. Our responsibility is to provide medical and scientific documentation for the clinical benefit-risk evaluation that is part of submission packages to authorities and which form the basis for guidance on how to use the medicines optimally to the benefit of patients. We are +1,100 employees covering profiles such as trial managers, medical doctors, data managers, biostatisticians and many others. We conduct clinical trials in more than 50 countries and in 2014 we collaborated with app. 40.000 patients across 135 clinical trials. Our graduate programme is a solid platform and a unique opportunity to use your degree to make a difference. Scope of the programme The two-year programme consists of three rotations in different parts of the Global Development organisation - but anchored in the Data Management skill area. The aim of the Data Management Graduate Programme is to give you extensive exposure to the role of a Trial Data Manager (TDM), with a strong focus on competencies such as communication, project management skills, and collaboration with stakeholders across the globe. In addition, you will gain an understanding of clinical trial data, complex IT systems, and data flow. You will be given a broad range of responsibilities and experience a variety of tasks. In Data Management, our activities are spread across the lifecycle of a clinical trial, and you will contribute to data management deliverables during the start-up, conduct and closure of clinical trials, ensuring the highest possible quality of our clinical trial data. You will gain insight into the global development value chain of Novo Nordisk as a key player, and you will be part of a team of highly talented international colleagues, where there is a strong focus on diversity, cooperation and personal development. You will enjoy the privilege of being part of both formal and informal graduate networks which will allow you to broaden your learning even further, while building your opportunities and relationships across the company. The job The Data Management Graduate Programme is tailored to ensure your full personal and professional development as a DM, with full training and dedicated coaching from experienced colleagues.The programme comprises three 8-month rotations during a two-year period. The first rotation is planned to take place within Data Management at our corporate headquarters in Denmark. The main purpose of this rotation is to gain an understanding of the Data Management areas of responsibility and the governance of clinical trials via Good Clinical Practice (GCP). The second rotation is planned to be in an affiliate outside of Denmark. This is the rotation where you will gain further insight into Data Management from a local perspective. This will give you a unique international perspective that will prove invaluable as new markets continue to evolve for Novo Nordisk. The third rotation will take place at headquarters in Denmark, either in Data Management or in a department with strong ties to Data Management, such as Trial Management or Biostatistics. You will be able to expand your network, and develop an insight into the importance of Data Management in our drug development processes. What does a Data Manager do As a Data Manager, you are responsible for tasks related our Data Management Systems used to collect data in a clinical trial as part of the development of a new drug or the life cycle management or a marketed product. The key responsibilities of a Data Manager is: To support the conduct, management and analysis of clinical studies across the spectrum
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Novo Nordisk A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 44448888
Arbejdsgiver faxnummer: 44442314
Job kort beskrivelse: Systemanalytikerarbejde
land: Danmark
region: Hovedstaden
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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