Arbejde Software Developer for Customer Driven Projects unspecified SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC DANMARK A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg4MjI2MSA3

reference: 4882261

documentId: 4882261

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1537789272986

stillingsbetegnelse: Software Developer for Customer Driven Projects


Do you want to help customers around the world use our software to get the most out of their data centers?

Then join us at Schneider Electric, a leading worldwide energy management expert. In this position, you will work on state-of-the-art technology, while powering your career and creating the foundation of energy efficient solutions. 

Make a difference – join Schneider Electric

At Schneider Electric, we help our customers by being the best at what we do. We offer market-leading software to effectively manage their data centers, while keeping them energy efficient. 

By joining our seven-person CSP team (Customer Specific Projects), you will be part a larger 70-person Software Development department that works to continuously add value to our global customers. The department is located in both Kolding, Denmark and Boston, USA. 

Integrate software and develop new features

As our new software developer, you will integrate our standard software with our customers’ 3rd party systems, and develop new features for our on-premises and cloud-based software products. You will do this in close collaboration with our product manager and individual customers, allowing you to focus on their special needs.

This means you will help our customers integrate their existing systems with our data center managing software. You will do this using webservices and ETL transformations (Extract, Transform, and Load) – you might also help expand our APIs in order to accommodate the costumers’ needs.

You will also help our customers by expanding our core software’s features with personalized solutions that meet their unique requirements. You will do this in close collaboration with the customers, starting with a mock-up of the proposed feature, and then going through a series of iterations until you reach the final solution with them. 

Many career opportunities, and a focus on development

At Schneider Electric, we only want the best employees to join our modern and visionary organization.

Our department is dynamic, and works with the latest technologies and software development methods. As such, we make sure the entire team is properly introduced to them all. We enjoy developing both personal and professional skills and sharing knowledge with our brilliant colleagues. 

Software developer with knowledge of Java

  • You have experience with Java, and a good understanding of intersystem communication and RESTful APIs
  • You hold a degree in software development, computer science or similar
  • You have knowledge of JavaScript
  • You communicate effortlessly in English

You will interact with customers, other developers, product managers, and others. That is why you need to be outgoing, communicative, and comfortable working in a collaborative environment.


If you have any questions regarding the position, please contact Senior Program Manager (Søren Bruncke Mikkelsen at +45 27770165), or our Engineering Director (Anders Jensen at +45 41377987). To learn more about us and our employees, visit us at


Please apply before October 12, 2018

To apply, send us your motivated cover letter, CV, and diplomas. Please do not hesitate to send your application. We will evaluate the applications as we receive them. We look forward to hearing from you.


Primary Location: DK-Syddanmark-Kolding

Schedule: Full-time

Unposting Date: Ongoing

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime


source: DK-STAR


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