Arbejde LEAN Engineer unspecified MHI Vestas Offshore Wind A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg2ODcyNyA3

reference: 4868727

documentId: 4868727

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1535096353266

stillingsbetegnelse: LEAN Engineer


Join us on our journey towards a greener future 

Are you experienced with LEAN techniques? Do you have experience working in a manufacturing environment, and are you constantly thriving at delivering the best possible results? Do you have great communication that enable you to guide your colleagues towards a more stable production process?  

Innovation + dedication + team spirit = that’s MHI Vestas 

Innovation comes from daily inspiration and motivation. Even if we find ourselves in many different locations one thing remains the same: We prioritise the team spirit and we value the close connection between our employees. With +2000 employees in six different countries, we are one of the leading players in the offshore wind industry. We focus on financially viable and sustainable energy source projects that benefit future generations. Established in 2014, we are a young and ambitious organisation with a relaxed style and with room for differences.   

Use your LEAN expertise to optimise our manufacturing processes 

As a LEAN Engineer, your primary responsibility will be to develop and execute continuous improvement ideas, applying LEAN principles to ensure a stable and effective production process. You will be part of the KAIZEN team which is part of the Production Engineering Team, supporting our different manufacturing locations.  

You will also be responsible for:  

  • Improve and optimise the production process by applying LEAN principles, such as Small Group activities, Value Stream Mapping and Line Balancing 
  • Reduce variability in manufacturing by ensuring standard work methods 
  • Work with and follow-up on initiatives collected by the Process Area Support teams 
  • Proactively identify areas of process that may cause reduction in output and implement corrective actions 

  Skills & experience: Our new colleague… 

…has or is willing to achieve an engineering degree, preferable with a LEAN background in manufacturing. You are a team player and understand how to work in line- and matrix-organisations. Ideally, you have at least 3 years of experience with LAN engineering in a manufacturing environment. 

We expect that you:  

  • Have experience with Six Sigma principles (no certificate required) 
  • Can use Microsoft Office, especially Excel 
  • Can design, run and evaluate trials and prepare the appropriate technical reports 
  • Have strong communication skills with fluent English 
  • Understand safety and quality processes and reporting 

  Why should you apply? 

Do you want to work in a young, international and ambitious company where we work shoulder to shoulder every day to become the global leader in the offshore wind market? If your answer is: “YES!” – then you should send your application today.  Still not completely convinced? Check this out.

We also offer: 

  • Excellent opportunities for professional and personal development 
  • Values such as initiative, responsibility and the right balance between creativity and quality in all solutions  
  • Great colleagues that support each other and work together 

  Do you want to join us? 

Excellent! We’re already looking forward to hearing from you. Your primary work location will be on the Isle of Wight, the United Kingdom. Please note that applications are handled on an ongoing basis. So, please send your application and CV as soon as possible using the link on this page. We treat all inquiries confidentially.    

Established in April 2014, MHI Vestas Offshore Wind is a joint venture between Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) and Vestas Wind Systems A/S. Our vision is to be a leading player in the offshore industry by co-developing offshore wind as a financially viable and sustainable energy source to benefit future generations. An international organisation with +2000 employees and HQ in Aarhus, Denmark, we also have offices in the UK, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Sweden.   

numberOfPosts: 1


Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: MHI Vestas Offshore Wind A/S

source: DK-STAR


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