Arbejde Product Manager in KYIV or CPH unspecified Debitoor ApS - jobtilbud

id: NDkzMTkwMyA3

reference: 4931903

documentId: 4931903

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1547645292116

stillingsbetegnelse: Product Manager in KYIV or CPH


We’re looking for a Product Manager to drive our most important future bet in the invoicing area and build a completely new product with worldwide reach.

Starting Date

As soon as possible

Office Location

Kyiv (UA) or Copenhagen(DK)

Contact Person

Nicolai Kollner

Chief Product Manager

nko (at)

+380 (67) 464 16 42

At Debitoor you will be a part of our mission to help small businesses thrive. Life as a small business owner is tough. That is why, we build simple, beautiful and at the same time powerful tools and processes around invoicing, accounting and communication for these small businesses. Making it easy for them to get paid while navigating accounting laws, without any prior knowledge of accounting.

What we're looking for

  • We are looking for a Product Manager that will drive one of our next product bet, owning and managing the product life cycle from inception through execution and release to production.
  • We expect you to have demonstrable experience in driving the development of software products and you will be accountable to achieve meaningful commercial success.
  • You will be expected to manage the product execution working closely with a team of software engineers & product designers.
  • You will work with key stakeholders to define the overall strategy, product roadmap and technical/feature specifications for the new product.
  • You will need to to excel at product discovery by talking to prospective customer and you should be 100% fluent in English. We are not that interested in your papers, we are mostly interested in your skills and motivation.

The way we work

  • As a Product Manager you will work with your engineering squad to deliver a product in a very short time. We work with the latest agile methodologies and we ship code to production every day. Shipping a product has never been easier.
  • You will be able to easily come in contact with your customers and drive product innovation togher with talented UX professionals.
  • You will be able to drive your product and define its success together with the management team.

What we offer

  • A chance to focus on a new product bet with worldwide reach
  • A state of the art software development process and a DNA geared on shipping great software products
  • A relaxed and nice working environment
  • Respect for work-life balance
  • A passionate and talented group of people working on a mission together
  • A chance to help small businesses in 50+ countries
  • Office location in either central Copenhagen or central Kyiv

You will join a team of 45 people across three main locations in Copenhagen, Kyiv and Berlin.

If you have any questions please contact Nicolai at nko (at)

About us

At Debitoor we are on a mission to help small businesses thrive! We do this by creating beautiful and simple tools to run your business online. Tools to invoice and get paid, keep a financial overview, and work with customers and accountants.

We are an international company with headquarters in central Copenhagen and offices in Berlin and Kyiv. We are 45 employees with customers in 50+ countries.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Debitoor ApS

source: DK-STAR


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