id: NDkxMzM4MiA3

reference: 4913382

documentId: 4913382

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1543841165393



Ready to take lead and bring new innovations to the market? As our new Development Chef you will create new innovative products and concepts - and strengthen the insights and arguments on our existing portfolio to create maximum value to restaurants, cafés and QSR.

“For this new position in Global Foodservice we need a passionate leader with a customer centric attitude who is able to combine craftmanship and chef knowledge with commercial opportunities to honor our ambitions for the future” – says Marianne Ladegaard, Senior Director.

About the Job

As Development Chef for Global Foodservice you will have the exciting challenge of identifying new innovations and concepts to grow our product development pipeline for the next 3-5 years. You will translate your ideas into prototypes that address the customer and category product needs. By having an interface with key stakeholders and customers, you will be able to build in operator and end-user understanding/insights into our products and support the local teams by developing selling stories.

Specifically you will:

- Coordinate, manage and benchmark culinary quality and functional aspects in the existing portfolio and in new project throughout the whole funnel
- Deliver and derive culinary trend analysis that will affect us
- Define the culinary prototypes for rejuvenation or innovation project development
- Drive the Idea, Feasibility  and Activation Phase
- Guide in the Capability Phase
- Partner with our categories as Consultant in Chefmanship
- Champion in pre-activation, post activation and rejuvenation by ensuring the quality of activation/communication materials in all channels related to cooking functionality and application
- Organise training within the categories and prioritized channels
- Manage the organisation of showcases, presentations, degustation  and events throughout the organisation
- Create a chef community and network across the key markets

Who are you?

We are looking for a strong passionate Development Chef with an ability to create relevant commercial opportunities for both channels and key customers. This is a pivotal role and requires interfacing with customers and therefore you must be able to engage and win customers through your passion and expertise.

We further expect:

- Your track record reflects a strong international experience working as a chef in different channels and kitchen formats of at least 10-15 years
- Experience working in a corporate business within the FMCG environment
- Preferable you have a relevant marketing or business degree at master’s level
- You have excellent communication and interpersonal skills and you know how to influence key stakeholders (eg local sales teams and customers)
- You have a strong knowledge of dairy as part of a foodservice operation
- You have a strong understanding about the foodservice market
- Ideally you have managed and steered teams remotely
- Willingness to travel frequently

Application and contact

Please apply as soon as possible. We process applications on a continuous basis and close the job opening once the right candidate has been found.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: ARLA FOODS AMBA

source: DK-STAR


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