Arbejde Principal Quality Specialist for due diligence and project support unspecified LEO PHARMA A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkzNDg1OCA3

reference: 4934858

documentId: 4934858

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1548247389470

Principal Quality Specialist for due diligence and project support


LEO Pharma has embarked on a very ambitious journey to become the world’s preferred dermatology care partner – and that is why we need you. Do you have a strong understanding of compliance work? Do you find it exiting to work with colleagues worldwide? Then you may be the person we are looking for. In Global Quality Audits you will get the opportunity to make a significant difference for people with skin diseases all over the world.


The job

You will be involved as quality support to projects at LEO Pharma including due diligence associated with LEO Pharma’s programme of developing new business opportunities, outsourcing activities, onboarding of CMOs, distributors and suppliers. Your tasks will include to plan, perform, report and follow-up on audits within GMP and GDP areas, writing quality agreements, negotiating expected standards with 3rd parties, and supporting projects in all quality matters.

Are you a structured and systematic team player, who dreams of a job with major responsibility and the license to impact decisions, who is a self-starter and able to work independently but is also able to cooperate within teams? Then you might be just the person we are looking for.


Your qualifications

  • MSc. degree within Pharmacy, Biology or equivalent
  • Trained Lead Auditor
  • You have at least 10 years’ experience from a Quality Compliance role in the pharmaceutical industry and experience in handling CMOs
  • You have a good understanding of GMP
  • You are a bright communicator and can without difficulty explain complicated matters in an understandable way
  • You are proficient in both written and spoken English
  • You can travel a minimum of 40 days per year worldwide

In addition, you are curious about understanding people, enjoy working with people from different functions and cultures, and you keep an open mind and see the positive side.

Your new team

You will join a team of 14 skilled and dedicated colleagues working supporting projects and performing audits. The department is responsible for all internal and external audits within GXP and RA regulated areas in LEO Pharma as well as quality support to projects. We are based at the LEO Pharma headquarters in Ballerup, Greater Copenhagen.


Join our mission to help more people achieve healthy skin

Hundreds of millions of people around the globe are suffering from an untreated skin disease. Helping these people to get a better life is what LEO Pharma is all about. By understanding their needs and wishes we will improve existing treatments and break new land to uncover the solutions of tomorrow.

By joining LEO Pharma, you will get the opportunity to create results, develop yourself among highly skilled colleagues while taking on our quest to become the preferred dermatology care partner improving people’s lives around the world and at the same time create profitable growth.

Contact and application

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Principal Quality Professional Thomas Højsholm Schmidt at + 452566 4147 or Senior Manager Birthe Ross at +45 5365 4753.

Please apply via the link at our website and remember to attach application and CV. The deadline is Feb 16st 2019.


About LEO Pharma

LEO Pharma helps people achieve healthy skin. By offering care solutions to patients in more than 100 countries globally, LEO Pharma supports people in managing their skin conditions. Founded in 1908 and owned by the LEO Foundation, the healthcare company has devoted decades of research and development to delivering products and solutions to people with skin conditions. LEO Pharma is headquartered in Denmark and employs around 5,400 people worldwide. For more information, visit

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEO PHARMA A/S

source: DK-STAR


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