Arbejde Learning Experience Designer unspecified SITECORE CORPORATION A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4908052
documentId: 4908052
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1542784864736
stillingsbetegnelse: Learning Experience Designer
This position can be located in San Francisco (CA), Manchester (NH), Dallas (TX), Gatineau/ Ottawa (Canada), London (UK) or Copenhagen (Denmark)
Sitecore is the global leader in experience management software that combines content management, commerce, and customer insights. The Sitecore Experience CloudTM empowers marketers to deliver personalized content in real time and at scale across every channel—before, during, and after a sale. More than 5,200 brands––including American Express, Carnival Cruise Lines, Dow Chemical, and L’Oréal––have trusted Sitecore to deliver the personalized interactions that delight audiences, build loyalty, and drive revenue.
Sitecore is experiencing spectacular growth all over the world. To build on Sitecore’s success and growth, we’re looking for a skilled Learning Experience Designer/Course Developer to work as part of our Sitecore Education team.
Position Summary:
We are looking for a resourceful, creative, and intellectually curious learning experience designer to join us in building and scaling our product learning programs. This is an exciting opportunity to jump right in and be an integral part of a team focused on inspiring the trajectory of our customers success journey. You will design, build, enhance, and maintain our core product learning programs on a global scale. Your design toolbox includes instruction-led classroom (ILT) and digital learning methods focused on delivering real performance outcomes. In this role, you will design and continuously improve learning associated with our product, using an array of creative approaches, as well as help drive customer productivity, innovation, and operational excellence. You will transform our learning programs through innovative technology and learning best practices, so we can easily scale to meet our customers’ needs worldwide.
- Scope, design, and develop engaging instructor-led (ILT) and digital learning product content using adult learning principles and instructional design best practices to best fits the needs of our learner.
- Regularly revise, update, or enhance current training content and learning assets to reflect product changes, updates or releases.
- Build meaningful relationships with key stakeholders and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) across the company to design and develop content that translates identified business needs into various consumable learning solutions.
- Conduct needs analysis with stakeholders to define instructional objectives, business learning outcomes, and the overall learning requirements of our product.
- Enthusiastically dive into exploring ambiguous learning topics and demonstrate resourcefulness and curiosity to come up with creative solutions.
- Contribute to the development and implementation of new learning models and content design templates.
- Understand the importance of using various metrics to drive instructional strategy and use data collection, research, and analysis to evaluate project outcomes and improve learning content.
- Optimize the use of learning technologies that will help us scale.
- Organize and prioritize work, manage projects to a timeline, and provide regular status updates.
- Stay up-to-date with learning trends.
Job Qualifications:
- Demonstrated experience designing and developing product training materials and content including creating instructor-led (ILT) materials, online/e-learning, and various interactive digital content.
- BA/BS in learning design, learning science, instructional design, educational psychology, or similar or relatable field. We also prefer candidates with a Master of Education (MA-Ed, M.Ed)
- Experience working cross-functionally with Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), multiple teams, and stakeholders in a product centered environment.
- Strong program management proficiencies with excellent verbal and written communication skills. This includes skill in collaborating with subject matter experts and managers to help write, design, and develop, and manage projects.
- Familiarity with SCORM, online learning, learning technology, instructional, graphics, and/or web design or development skills using various tools/software (Articulate, Captivate, or similar); as well as LMS platform
- Familiarity using audio and visual editing tools (Final Cut, Adobe Premier, After Effects, Camtasia, Audacity, Premiere, Photoshop, GIMP, SnagIt, etc. or similar)
After an offer is made and accepted, E-verify will be utilized to establish your identity and employment eligibility as required by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Sitecore is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace. We are committed to equal employment opportunity without unlawful regard to race, color, ancestry, religion, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, veteran status or any other local legally protected characteristic.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
source: DK-STAR
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