Arbejde Product Application Engineer unspecified DANFOSS A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4892279
documentId: 4892279
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1539590587093
stillingsbetegnelse: Product Application Engineer
Are you a talented engineer who can advise our customers in applying the best-suited steering solutions for their machines? Then here is your chance to apply the latest hydraulic technology to our customers’ satisfaction, and to build customer relations. You will get to test and optimize our products at our Application Development Center.
We are looking for a Product Application Engineer in our Nordborg, Denmark location. This position will join our Work Functions Division together with five other Product Application Engineers located in Denmark, Nordborg. We support customers in applying Danfoss Power Solutions’ Steering products to their machines. Our solutions are often required to work in conjunction with our customers’ existing systems. There is more than one way to this position, you can be a newly graduate or have solid work experience
Key Responsibilities
As part of the support function for hydraulic steering products, you develop and adjust our solutions to suit our customers’ specific needs. With your knowledge of our products, you know what is possible and what it takes to meet the customers’ various and changing needs. Accordingly, you cooperate with our specialized engineers to do what has not been done before. Your daily tasks will include:
- Specify and initiate product modifications based on customer needs
- Provide technical advice and guidance to customers on how our solutions benefit their products, through mail, phone and face-to-face meetings
- Educate your colleagues in using, applying, and trouble-shooting our solutions
- Take part in global customer visits
- Bachelor's degree (B.S.) in Engineering
- Applicable +2 years of work experience with hydraulics, mechatronics and/or electronic engineering or candidates with degree and applicable internship experience will be considered
- Experience in construction and agricultural machinery is seen as an asset
- Excellent communication skills
- Fluent English written and verbal; Danish is a plus
- Outgoing individual who can build relationships with customers
- Capable of engaging in hands-on work that demands focus and attention to detail
- Work smart and efficiently while building knowledge
- Available to travel 30 days per year
For further information about this position, please contact Soeren Kristian Walsh, Manager BU Steering PAE, tel. +45 2383 9399.
Please apply at your earliest convenience. We do not have an application deadline but accept applications as long as the job is posted.The position will be closed down once we have found the right candidate.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: DANFOSS A/S
source: DK-STAR
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