Arbejde PhD positions - Graduate School of Health, Aarhus University Midtjylland AARHUS UNIVERSITET - jobtilbud
PhD positions - Graduate School of Health, Aarhus University
The Graduate School of Health, Aarhus University is now accepting applications for enrolment and fellowship. We are pleased to announce that you can now apply for fellowship and enrolment. We are offering a number of; • 1/3 fellowships with no restrictions • Part A scholarships for integrated PhDs with no restrictions • Fully financed mobility fellowships (both ordinary and integrated) Assessment of applications for all types of fellowships ordinary as well as integrated will be based on the Graduate School’s general criteria for PhD applications, which are listed below. Special criteria for Mobility fellowships: To be taken into consideration for a mobility fellowship applicants have to have a qualifying degree from an institution other than Aarhus University, preferably from abroad. In addition the following qualifications will be considered an advantage in the assessment: • The applicants international experience, e.g. in connection with his/her bachelor/master degree. • That the project has co-supervisors from research institutions abroad. • That the project is part of a collaboration agreement with a foreign institution. Selected applicants for fully financed PhD fellowships will be invited for a personal interview with a selection committee. Important dates • Application deadline: 16 November 2015 at 23:59 • Earliest possible starting date: 1 February 2016 • Latest possible starting date for recipients of fully financed fellowships: 1 August 2016 • Latest possible starting date for recipients of part A fellowships and 1/3 fellowships as well as applicants with fully external financing: 1 February 2017 • Interviews for selected applicants for fully financed PhD fellowships: between 14 January and 20 January 2016 • Reply: last week of January 2016 General criteria for PhD applications All applications will be evaluated based on the submitted material, using the following criteria, with the time for research experience, after the qualifying exam, taken into consideration. The project (40 % of the total evaluation) • The project description; including the PhD student’s part in the designing of the project. • The standard and volume of the project – is it adequate for a PhD? Is the volume of the project appropriate for the enrolment period? • The scientific level of the project • The use of varied methods and techniques • How does the project stem from the newest knowledge in the field? • Does the project entail supporting evidence of feasibility, e.g. the power (of test)? The applicant (40 % of the total evaluation) • CV; o educational background o grades o extracurricular activities o research experience, including a list of publications (if any) • Motivation The research environment and PhD plan elements (20 % of the total evaluation) • Supervisors; including statement from the main supervisor • Scientific environment • Courses, dissemination and mobility (research stays, stays abroad) • International/ interdisciplinary collaboration • Collaboration (if any) with a company The application Please note that we will evaluate the application as it is when the deadline has passed. It is not possible to submit any material for the application after the deadline has passed. Furthermore, please be aware that we only evaluate one application per applicant per call. Thus, if you have submitted more than one application, we reserve the right to evaluate the last application received. The fellowships granted will be allocated to the place of employment of the PhD student. It is a requirement that the place of employment and the head of the relevant department at Aarhus University sign the financial statement which covers all the remaining expenses and the employment for the entire PhD enrolment period. The financial statement is not mandatory as part of the application, but has to be signed and submitted before enrolment. Please note that PhD students who are already enrolled are
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 89421111
Arbejdsgiver faxnummer: 86130957
Job kort beskrivelse: Alment lægearbejde
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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