Arbejde Construction Engineer with Experience in QSE-14000030 Midtjylland Vestas Wind Systems A/S - jobtilbud
Construction Engineer with Experience in QSE-14000030
Construction Engineer with Experience in QSE You will become part of the Business Development department in Corporate Services. Corporate Services supports Vestas on a global basis in the development and performance of non core activities. We provide expertise and best practice in the areas of Facility Management, Canteen & Cleaning, Reception & Switchboard, Global Travel and Site Simplification. The Business Development department in Corporate Services is responsible for securing that all Corporate Service-systems are described, optimized, anchored and followed in the organization through business processes, instructions, internal procedures etc. We are responsible for aligning and securing the use of best practices within Quality, safety and Environment and we also drive the budget process, provide financial support secure sufficient data quality, measure performance (KPIs) and report on SLAs. Responsibilities and tasks: In the role as specialist within QSE and Building Technique your tasks and responsibilities are: Secure that Corporate Services (CS) adheres to Vestas’ QSE requirements on projects and other services Contribute to reaching Corporate Services’ goal of providing cost conscious services and timely delivery on projects and other CS services Provide QSE support to CS functions Make sure that QSE is on the agenda in the CS organisation Legislation requirements (AT, OSHA) Incident management Chemical management Be the gate keeper of CS customer satisfaction surveys Provide CS with the appropriate system descriptions in order to undertake CS’s projects and services You will work closely together with different stakeholders in the Vestas organization, e.g. the Quality, FM and Risk Management departments. Qualifications and work experience: We are looking for a candidate with a background as engineer and at least 3-6 years of experience within QSE and building technique – e.g. from a consultancy within engineering. You have deep knowledge of facilities management and building technique. In addition to your professional background we find the following personal competencies important: Excellent leadership and interpersonal skills. Good communication skills Good analytical skills Ability to identify and involve stakeholders Ability to understand your customer’s needs Additional information: Primary work location is Aarhus, Denmark. Please apply online. Please forward your application and resume in English. Closing date: Please apply as soon as possible since all applications will be evaluated continuously. Experience the forces of wind Join Vestas and work with cutting-edge wind technology As one of the world leaders in wind power solutions with wind turbine installations in over 65 countries and more than 16.000 employees globally, Vestas looks to accelerate innovation through the development of our employees' skills and talents. Our goal is to reduce CO2 emissions dramatically and ensure a sustainable world for future generations. Job Facility Management Primary Location Denmark-Midtjylland-Aarhus N Unposting Date Ongoing
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vestas Wind Systems A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 97300000
Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde vedrørende bygninger og anlæg
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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