Jobs Aarhus Universitet - jobtilbud

På TRY kan du finde alle jobtilbud fra Aarhus Universitet, hvilke er tilgængelige på dette tidspunkt i Danmark. Du kan se 28 jobtilbud Aarhus Universitet.

Assistant Professor in Geochemistry -

The Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University invites applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in geochemistry.We are especially interested in individuals using radiogenic and non-traditional stable isotope systems to study geological materials and trace the provenance
Aarhus Universitet - 2019-03-02 - unspecified

Research assistant in Applied Protein Chemistry -

The Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, invites applications for a 6 month research assistant position offering applicants an exciting opportunity to join a ongoing research project on potato proteinsJob abstractJV_descriptionApplications are invited to take part in the Innovation
Aarhus Universitet - 2019-02-26 - unspecified

Research Assistant or Postdoctoral Position available for the Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University -

The Department of Clinical Medicine, Danish Pain Research Center, Aarhus University, invites applications for a full-time 2-year research assistant or postdoctoral position in experimental pain research. An extension of the employment is possible if additional funding is obtained.The position is available
Aarhus Universitet - 2019-02-26 - unspecified

Ingeniør inden for elektrisk energiteknologi søges til Ingeniørhøjskolen Aarhus Universitet -

Udviklingsområdet for Elektronik og Computerteknologi på Ingeniørhøjskolen søger en lektor/adjunkt på fuld tid til vores to diplomingeniøruddannelser i Elektrisk Energiteknologi.Elektrisk Energiteknologi er et af de størst voksende områder og et af de strategiske satsningsområder på Ingeniørhøjskolen.
Aarhus Universitet - 2019-02-26 - unspecified

Postdoc in Green Biorefining -

The Department of Engineering, Aarhus University, invites qualified applicants for two 2-year postdoc positions offering applicants to join the research and development within Green Biorefining in the section of Biological and Chemical Engineering.The positions are available from 01.04.2019.Research
Aarhus Universitet - 2019-02-23 - unspecified

Assistant Professor in Geochemistry -

The Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University invites applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in geochemistry.We are especially interested in individuals using radiogenic and non-traditional stable isotope systems to study geological materials and trace the provenance
Aarhus Universitet - 2019-02-23 - unspecified

Klinisk lektor ved Præhospitalet, Aarhus Universitetshospital -

Ved Institut for Klinisk Medicin, Aarhus Universitet opslås et klinisk lektorat til besættelse pr. 15. april 2019 (eller snarest herefter) til 31. august 2023 ved Præhospitalet, Aarhus Universitetshospital til varetagelse af op til 15 timers klinisk undervisning årligt.ArbejdsopgaverDen kliniske
Aarhus Universitet - 2019-02-23 - unspecified

Assistant or associate professor in Classical Philology #517 -

The School of Culture and Society invites applications for a position as assistant or associate professor in classical philology.Applicants should state explicitly whether they are applying for an assistant professorship or an associate professorship.If an assistant professor is appointed, the position
Aarhus Universitet - 2019-02-22 - unspecified

501 Two Temporary Associate Professorships in Social Science Drug and Alcohol -

Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences at Aarhus University invites applications for two temporary positions (for three years) in social science drug and alcohol research at Associate Professor level. The positions are to focus on young people and on drug
Aarhus Universitet - 2019-02-21 - unspecified

Specialkonsulent i innovation og entreprenørskab (barselsvikariat) -

INNO X HEALTH ved Institut for Klinisk Medicin, Health, Aarhus Universitet søger en barselsvikar for specialkonsulent med særligt ansvar for strategisk udvikling og uddannelse indenfor sundhedsentreprenørskab.Arbejdet skal understøtte INNO X HEALTHs opgave med at udvikle og styrke studerendes, forskeres
Aarhus Universitet - 2019-02-21 - unspecified

524 Institutleder ved Institut for Agroøkologi -

Science and Technology, Aarhus Universitet, søger med tiltrædelse 1. juni 2019 en institutleder ved Institut for Agroøkologi, som vil medvirke til at realisere universitetets ambitiøse målsætning.Aarhus Universitet er anerkendt som ét af verdens 100 bedste universiteter. Universitetet har ambitioner
Aarhus Universitet - 2019-02-21 - unspecified

Associate Professor on BioMedical Design Novo Nordisk Foundation Fellowship Programme, 507 -

The Health faculties at Aarhus and Copenhagen Universities invite applicants for an Associate Professor position at BioMedical Design Novo Nordisk Foundation Fellowship Programme.The BioMedical Design Novo Nordisk Foundation Fellowship Programme aims to provide talented innovation leaders to research
Aarhus Universitet - 2019-02-21 - unspecified

Forskningsadministrator med stærke regnskabskompetencer -

Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Klinisk Medicin, Hjertesygdomme søger snarest og senest pr. 1. maj 2019 en forskningsadministrator.Hvem er vi?Hjertesygdomme er en universitetsafdeling med uddannelses- og forskningsforpligtigelse tilknyttet Aarhus Universitet. Vi tilbyder ambulant og stationær undersøgelse
Aarhus Universitet - 2019-02-21 - unspecified

Associate Professor on BioMedical Design Novo Nordisk Foundation Fellowship Programme, 507 -

The Health faculties at Aarhus and Copenhagen Universities invite applicants for an Associate Professor position at BioMedical Design Novo Nordisk Foundation Fellowship Programme.The BioMedical Design Novo Nordisk Foundation Fellowship Programme aims to provide talented innovation leaders to research
Aarhus Universitet - 2019-02-19 - unspecified

Post Doc position in Spatial Big Data -

The Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Science & Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark invites applications for a position as Post Doc initially for 3 years at the Big Data Centre for Environment and Health (BERTHA). The position is to be filled by 1st April 2019 or as soon as possible
Aarhus Universitet - 2019-02-05 - unspecified

Academic Employee for development of software for breeding programs in livestock -

Are you good at programming and developing software with a science-based, quantitative genetic content? Then here is the opportunity to work together with scientists that use the software for advising society and companies about genetic improvement programs in livestock and agricultural plants. The position
Aarhus Universitet - 2019-02-02 - unspecified

Full professorship in marine biodiversity -

Is your research focus on marine biodiversity? Do you have a strong academic profile and are you interested in contributing significantly to the development of the marine sections and research of Department of Bioscience in a professor position?The position is available as soon as possible.Your tasksThe
Aarhus Universitet - 2019-02-01 - unspecified

Senior researcher in marine biodiversity -

Is your research focus on marine biodiversity? Do you have a strong academic profile and are you interested in contributing significantly to the development of the marine sections and research of Department of Bioscience in a senior researcher position?The position is available as soon as possible.Your
Aarhus Universitet - 2019-02-01 - unspecified

Tenure Track Position / Associate Professorship in Molecular Cell Biology 1022988 -

The Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University invites applications to a position in the area of molecular cell biology to begin August 2019. Candidates for a Tenure Track position or an Associate Professorship are encouraged to apply.The positionAs an assistant professor in a tenure-track
Aarhus Universitet - 2019-01-29 - unspecified

Professor in Astrobiology at Aarhus University, Denmark 1018918 -

A position as Professor in Astrobiology is available from 1 June, 2019 at Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University (, Denmark.The positionWe seek an internationally competitive researcher with a strong academic track record in Astrobiology. Applicants must be able to document
Aarhus Universitet - 2018-12-13 - unspecified

Postdoc in environmental chemistry 1013724 -

The Department of Environmental Science at Aarhus University, Roskilde, Denmark invites applications for a position in environmental chemistry as a Postdoc. The position is to be filled by January 1st 2019 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is a time limited 2 year position.Qualifications
Aarhus Universitet - 2018-11-10 - unspecified

Studenterinstruktorer på Bacheloruddannelsen Statskundskab, Samfundsfag og Tilvalg samt Bacheloruddannelsen i Politik og økonomi samt Folkesundhed 1009196 -

Ved Institut for Statskundskab opslås et antal stillinger som studenterinstruktorer i forårssemestret 2019 på Bacheloruddannelsen Statskundskab, Samfundsfag og Tilvalg samt Bacheloruddannelsen i Politik og økonomi samt Folkesundhed - i fagene: a) Politisk teori, 2. semester b)
Aarhus Universitet - 2018-10-13 - unspecified

Lab-manager at the Danish Center for Ultrahigh-Field NMR Spectroscopy 1002153 -

The Department of Chemistry and the Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO) at Aarhus University are seeking applications for an academic position (AC-TAP) which includes scientific, administrative, as well as teaching duties at the Danish Center for Ultrahigh-Field NMR spectroscopy (the NMR center).
Aarhus Universitet - 2018-09-06 - unspecified

Research assistant in geoarchaeology at Department of Geoscience -

The Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University, Denmark seeks to appoint a 1-year research assistant in geoarchaeology. The position is available from 1.9.2018 or as soon as possible hereafter.Job abstractJV_descriptionHe/she is expected to contribute to development of the field geoarchaeology and hence
Aarhus Universitet - 2018-08-14 - unspecified

16 highly competitive PhD Positions for world-class PhD projects within health science at Aarhus University, Denmark -

The Graduate School of Health, Aarhus University is recruiting talented, ambitious and highly motivated candidates for three-year fully financed PhD positions.We offer 16 challenging world-class PhD projects ranging from Biomedicine and Public Health Science to Clinical Medicine, Forensic Medicine, Dentistry
Aarhus Universitet - 2018-08-02 - unspecified

AIAS-COFUND Fellowships -

Undervisning og forskning på universiteter og højere læreranstalter
Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS) AIAS-COFUND (Marie Curie) Fellowships Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS) is pleased to announce that 10 to 12 AIAS-COFUND fellowships are available
Aarhus Universitet - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland

PhD positions - Graduate School of Health, Aarhus University -

Alment lægearbejde
The Graduate School of Health, Aarhus University is now accepting applications for enrolment and fellowship. We are pleased to announce that you can now apply for fellowship and enrolment. We are offering a number of; • 1/3 fellowships with no restrictions
AARHUS UNIVERSITET - 2016-02-11 - Midtjylland

14 Marie Sklodowska-Curie PhD positions are available within H2020 ITN-HHFDWC-676258 – The History of Human Freedom and Dignity in Western Civilization -

Undervisning og forskning på universiteter og højere læreranstalter
The Marie Curie ITN “The History of Human Freedom and Dignity in Western Civilization” – a collaboration between 6 universities and 9 non-academic partner organizations across Europe – invites
Aarhus Universitet - 2016-02-11 - unspecified