Arbejde PhD position available at the interdisciplinary center for the interface of physics and dynamics in biology: StemPhys, University of Copenhagen, Denmark unspecified KU - SCIENCE - NBI - jobtilbud

id: NDg2NzE5NSA3

reference: 4867195

documentId: 4867195

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1537345605780

PhD position available at the interdisciplinary center for the interface of physics and dynamics in biology: StemPhys, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

A PhD scholarship at the interface of physics and cell dynamics is offered at StemPhys, University of Copenhagen, from January 1st 2019 or as soon as possible thereafter.

About StemPhys
StemPhys is a new interdisciplinary initiative joining forces of physics and stem cell biology with the goal of advancing our knowledge of stem cell commitment and controlling the differentiation process. Six core groups at the University of Copenhagen constitute StemPhys, three in stem cell and developmental biology from DanStem, Faculty of Health and three groups covering both theoretical and experimental physics, from the Niels Bohr Institute, Faculty of Science. StemPhys is financed by the Danish National Research Foundation for a period of 6 years and commenced April 1st 2015. Details can be found at

What we are looking for
We are looking for a talented, highly motivated and creative scientist who is interested in exploring questions at the interface between physics and dynamics in cell biology. The successful candidates must have excellent English skills, both written and oral. The position will mainly deal with modelling of complex phenomena in biology often inspired by experimental data. We have close collaborations with labs at Harvard, Chicago, Bangalore and Copenhagen and expect the successful candidate to visit them. The focus will be on:

1) Investigations of temporal variations and oscillations of proteins in single cells applying dynamical complex systems. Coupling between biological oscillators and synchronization will be studied both in space and time. However, independent initiatives in related directions are highly encouraged.

2) The role of oscillations in stem cell differentiation. To understand early embryo development through collected time series of fluorescently labeled reporter lines. Analyze the time series to investigate how the dynamics of the transcription factors relates to the fate of differentiating cells.

The successful candidate must hold a Masters or Bachelor degree in physics, biophysics or related disciplines.

What we offer
We offer a highly creative and exciting research atmosphere at the vibrant border between physics and stem cell biology. The PhD fellowship is given in accordance with Danish legislation and will typically run for 3-4 years. The salary is set accordingly to Danish Union Contracts which are quite competitive on an international scale.

Application and selection process:
The application deadline is October 1st 2018. As part of the online application procedure candidates will be required to upload a CV with detailed information about their previous carrier and work, upload exam certificates, and upload a motivation letter explaining their scientific focus and how it relates to StemPhys projects. After a first selection round, the candidates on the short list will be invited for an oral interview in Copenhagen.

Employer: University of Copenhagen


Employment type: Temporary

Job hours: Full-time (37 hours per week)

For further information please contact Prof. Mogens H. Jensen (mhjensen (at), Niels Bohr Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen.

Job abstractJV_description
Your key tasks as a PhD student or post doc at the University of Copenhagen:
  • Manage and carry through your research project
  • Take PhD courses
  • Write scientific articles and your PhD thesis
  • Participate in conferences
  • Stay at an external research institution for a few months, preferably abroad
  • Teach and disseminate your research
Key criteria for the assessment of candidates
  • A master’s or bachelor’s degree related to the subject area of the project
  • The grade point average achieved
  • Professional qualifications relevant to the PhD programme
  • Previous publications
  • Relevant work experience
  • Other professional activities
  • Language skills
  • Marks obtained during the first year of study on the master programme (only relevant for applicants applying for a 4-year scholarship)
Formal requirements
The PhD position is available for a 3-year period for applicants holding a relevant master’s degree or for a 4-year period for applicants who are hold a bachelor’s degree. If currently enrolled in a MSc programme, at the time of commencement, applicants for the 4-year period must have approximately one year of study remaining before graduating from their MSc programme.

Terms of employment
The position is covered by the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff.

Terms of appointment and payment accord to the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations on Academics in the State.

For the 3 years stipend (for candidates with a master’s degree) the starting salary is currently at a minimum DKK 312,879 including annual supplement (+ pension up to DKK 43,219). Negotiation for salary supplement is possible. For the 4 year stipend (for candidates with a bachelor degree), until the qualifying exam the salary will be somewhat lower.

Application Procedure
The application, in English, must be submitted electronically by clicking APPLY NOW below.

Please include
  • Cover Letter, detailing your motivation and background for applying for the PhD project.
  • CV including your contact information.
  • Diploma and transcripts of records (BSc and MSc)
  • Other information for consideration, e.g., list of publications (if any).
  • Full contact details (name, address, telephone & email) of 1-3 professional referees.
  • Documentation of English language qualifications.
The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.


The deadline for applications is October 1st 2018. Applications received later than this date will not be considered. The expected starting date is January 1st 2019.

After the expiry of the deadline for applications, the authorized recruitment manager selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the Interview Committee. Afterwards an assessment committee will be appointed to evaluate the selected applications. The applicants will be notified of the composition of the committee and the final selection of a successful candidate will be made by the Head of Department, based on the recommendations of the assessment committee and the interview committee.
The main criterion for selection will be the research potential of the applicant and the above mentioned skills. The successful candidate will then be requested to formally apply for enrolment as a PhD student at the PhD school of Science. You can read more about the recruitment process at

For specific information about the PhD scholarship, please contact the scientist mentioned above.

General information about PhD programmes at SCIENCE is available at

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: KU - SCIENCE - NBI

source: DK-STAR


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