Arbejde Senior PPC Specialist unspecified BETTER COLLECTIVE A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4875332
documentId: 4875332
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1536309185690
stillingsbetegnelse: Senior PPC Specialist
Are you up to the challenge of playing a key role and contributing to the ambitious growth strategy of one of the fastest growing digital companies in Denmark?
We are on the lookout for an experienced Senior PPC Specialist to build, manage and optimise international online marketing campaigns across a range of our top igaming brands, including the award winning websites.
We have an immediate opening for an campaign savvy, analytical thinking traffic acquisition professional with strong experience in PPC, in particular on the Google Ads platform. Hands on work experience is a must and working knowledge of RTG and Programmatic on platforms such as Adform is a big plus.
As Better Collective’s Senior PPC Specialist, you will be a key member of the Traffic & Brand team, controlling large budgets and and being accountable for the performance of our paid marketing campaigns in 10+ countries across a range of online platforms, all from our fast paced office in the heart of Copenhagen.
You will help design and constantly optimise our online marketing mix with the clear aim of finding the best online methods for reaching the highest number of high intent sports betting users, at the lowest possible cost, while simultaneously increasing conversion rates on campaign landing pages. You are also accustomed to managing large marketing budgets and are meticulous in tracking campaign results and reporting on KPIs to stakeholders and management.
- Expert user of the Google Ads platform
- Vast previous experience managing online, international marketing campaigns
- Detail oriented, with the ability to successfully run several campaigns at once, without jeopardizing quality and results
- Has an analytical mindset - constantly reviewing and optimising active campaigns
- A proactive thinker who pays real attention to detail and acts upon any opportunities
- Holds an interest in sports betting
- You have at least three years of PPC experience and have a proven track record
- Worked “hands on” and extensively with Google Ads and RTB platforms
- Experience with lead generation and affiliate marketing is preferred
- Strong knowledge of Google Analytics
- Experience with creating and optimising high converting landing pages
We look forward to hearing from you and accept applications for this position until October 8th 2018 via the "Apply Now" button below. We will process your application quickly and give callbacks continuously until we find the perfect candidate.
Expected start date: as soon as possible.
If you have any questions about the position, you are welcome to contact our Head of Traffic & Brand, Gavin Moore at gam(a)
Still carried by the entrepreneurial spirit that founded the company in 2004 we use the passion to constantly develop the company. Not burdened with complex work processes we encourage an open and informal environment and strong unity.
Better Collective is the world’s leading provider of betting tips, bookmaker information and builder of iGaming communities. We enrich the betting experience by giving the users the ability to easily research, identify and find the best odds on thousands of events.
We have been making remarkable results and we pride ourselves in being among the exceptional few Danish companies who have 7 consecutive Børsen Gazelle Awards.
It is crucial to us to attract and retain skilled employees, the working environment is lively and characterised by a pioneering spirit and a global vision.
numberOfPosts: 1
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positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: BETTER COLLECTIVE A/S
source: DK-STAR
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