Arbejde Backend developer at MX Agency ApS unspecified MX Agency ApS - jobtilbud

id: NDg2NDE4OCA3

reference: 4864188

documentId: 4864188

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1534239258393

stillingsbetegnelse: Backend developer at MX Agency ApS


On behalf of MX Agency Workindenmark is looking for a backend developer.

Job abstractJV_description

You will be responsible for:

• Setting up and maintaining Magento platforms

• Developing, rewriting and upgrading customized Magento solutions using PHP Zend framework

• Collaborating with frontend developers

• Debugging and fixing existing Magento web shops and their modules

Skills & requirements

• You possess an AP or BA in Computer Science, Web Development, Software

Engineering or related field.

• You have good knowledge of OOP, PHP and MySQL.

• You possess basic knowledge in JavaScript, CSS and HTML.

• You will be able to pass our recruitment test.

• Prior work experience with Magento / Zend framework is required.

• You live by the following rules: detail-orientation.

• You care about quality, usability and efficiency.

• Your English level is proficient.

What we can offer

• A thorough training working in Magento – if you are not yet familiar with it. Mastering

Magento is extremely demanding, but entails and offers a strong coding skill spectrum,

which will be an invaluable asset for you in the future.

• A meaningful mission in a fast growing company with constant development.

• The chance to work with a young, enthusiastic, and international group of webdevelopers and project managers, among other employees. Thus, our company language is English and the position does not require Danish speaking.

• A relaxed and semi-formal environment that only small companies can offer you.

MX Agency ApS –

Terms of employment

The place of work will be at MX Agency ApS office at Nørrebrogade 18B, 2.sal, Aarhus.

Employment conditions and salary package will depend on qualifications solely.

Application procedure and contact

Please submit your online application in English as soon as possible. You can send your application to Recruitment Consultant Rikke Mogensen, rim (at) and attach your motivation letter, CV, transcript and other documents that you would find relevant. Please make sure to specify the job abstractJV_title in your email subject. All emails with a different subject will be disregarded.

We will review your application and will let you know about our decision accordingly.

For further information and questions about the position, please contact Adm. Director, Kristoffer Nikolaj Hjerrild (job (at) or +45 28 27 78 72).

You can read more about us on

All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, disability, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.

Company presentation

MagentoXperten is an innovative e-commerce agency specializing in the development of online shops, with particular expertise in Magento. We have offices in Copenhagen and Aarhus, where we helped 200 companies with great success over the past five years. We differentiate ourselves from our competitors by not only being “nerds". We own and operate online shops at the same time and have the necessary "know-how" since we possess a lot of experience in how to build and not only operate a web-shop. This contributes to strengthen our expertise, increases our skills and experience. Thus, it helps us grow web- shops and follow the necessary development advancing extremely fast in the digital world. Our international team also broadens our perspective on how constantly keep moving forward.

At MagentoXperten, we have expertise in the design and development of both simple and advanced modules and functions. Therefore, we have the ability to customize online shops according to our customers’ wishes - we connect our professional-grip onto what is needed for their shop to be successfully implemented and also provide advice and guidance if they are new to shop the world and its many options.

numberOfPosts: 1


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positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: MX Agency ApS

source: DK-STAR


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