Arbejde Microsoft Specialist-1400015S Midtjylland Vestas Wind Systems A/S - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: Microsoft Specialist-1400015S

The Center of Expertise (CoE) ensures that business services and related applications are appropriately designed, developed and optimized during their lifecycle and that system integrity is safeguarded. When development is handled by outsourcing partners, CoE interacts in relation to development activities and governance to maximize quality in the delivery. The Center of Expertise ensures continuous improvement and utilization of the applications in order to maximize value and reduce risk. This position is in a sub team with the primary responsibilities to successfully design, specify, develop, and ensure optimal utilization of our Microsoft applications in the business. The team plays a central role in the IT service offerings and has a close relationship with external application development partners. Responsibilities: •Identify business demands and take charge of effective analysis and relate these to system capabilities in collaboration with business stakeholders and IT architects in order to utilize Microsoft applications to its fullest. •Design and specify solutions and enhancements on new and existing application ensuring these are compliant with Vestas IT architecture and development standards. •Ensure maximum utilization of existing applications and functionalities before venturing into new developments. •Ensure quality in new developments from external partners to maintain integrity of the application portfolio. •Provide business consulting services related to Microsoft applications to internal stakeholders. •Facilitate collaboration internally in IT as well as between IT and external consultants/vendor in order to maximize use of system capabilities and internal knowledge upgrade. •Develop and maintain relevant documentation. •Drive internal knowledge sharing activities •Assist with 3rd level incident handling when required •Participate in rolling out of internally agreed global standards and solutions. •Coach & improve functional expertise of internal business consultants, apprentices and application supporters. •Keep up to date with relevant Microsoft technology and functionality. Qualifications: •Several years of practical experience as Microsoft developer on large and complex applications within industrial companies or similar. •Experience with all or some of the technologies and methods: .net,, MVC, Message Queue, TFS, Entity Framework, SharePoint, Test Driven Development, Continuous Integration, ITIL. •Experience with MS Project Server 2007/2010/2013 including: Portfolio Planning & Simulation, Milestone tracking, Resource and Capacity Management, Financial Performance Monitoring preferably with integration to SAP. •Experience with providing business consulting services related to Microsoft application development. •Experience with SharePoint is an advantage •Good knowledge of ERP systems in larger companies is an advantage •Strong ability to transform business requirements into IT solutions. •Understanding of project work methodology related to IT projects in larger organisations. •Education: Master degree in IT or similar experience. Competencies: •Desire to work with Microsoft applications on strategic/tactical level rather than hands on programming. •Proactive & self-driven with strong personal impact towards stakeholders. •Ability to form consensus for solutions with standard and existing functionality. •Extrovert with strong communication skills. •Analytical, structured, methodological and diligent in documenting important information •Reliable, service minded and result oriented. •Able to act in a cross cultural, global and very dynamic environment. •Good sense of humour. What we offer: You are offered a unique career opportunity in an exciting business with challenging and demanding tasks. Moreover, you will join a team of highly skilled employees with different backgrounds and will work closely together with a global organiza

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vestas Wind Systems A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 00000000

land: Danmark

region: Midtjylland

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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