Arbejde Microsoft SharePoint Solution Consultant Midtjylland GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: Microsoft SharePoint Solution Consultant

Would you like to play a key role working with the latest Microsoft technologies such as cloud architecture? And join our dedicated team to help us build a SharePoint-based collaboration platform from ground up? Then join IS Collaboration Solutions. We are responsible for delivering IT based collaboration solutions that enable Grundfos employees and partners to work together toward common goals. You will join a dedicated team of 7 consultants, situated in Denmark, Sweden and Manila, delivering a broad range of collaboration solutions. However, you will be working closely with colleagues in all parts of the world. You refer to Department Head, Christian Stabehl. ”You will work closely around SharePoint with one colleague in Denmark, one in Sweden and the two in Manila and enjoy great sparring from all of your colleagues. We expect SharePoint to be a main component in the application landscape for our next-generation global intranet and application delivery portal which will include collaborative team spaces, and other collaboration solutions,” Christian explains. What is the job about? As our new Microsoft SharePoint Solution Consultant, it is your responsibility to drive transitions from existing solutions to the Microsoft platform. You facilitate Continuous Business Improvement making sure our SharePoint platform supports the business and enabling the business to use the platform in the best possible way. Providing valuable consultancy to IT and business colleagues, you ensure solid and well-founded solutions will be one of your primary roles. In connection to this, a key challenge will be to navigate in a global organisation and drive a change process. Being heavily involved in the various on-going projects you will work with colleagues in many parts of the organisation. Adding to that, you continuously seek opportunities to further extend our Grundfos Collaboration Platform, particularly delivering mature and integrated collaboration solutions on the Microsoft Platform. “We are ready to take the next step in realising our ambitious IT strategy by consolidating a scattered applications landscape on a Microsoft platform. Your challenge will be to drive and participate in all steps of this process – from concepts to solution architecture and from implementation to roll-out on a global scale,” Christian says. What do you need to apply? You have a minimum of 3 years’ experience with Microsoft SharePoint including proven experience in designing and implementing SharePoint-based solutions. And you have previously deployed IT based solutions in a global organisation. You are able to understand business needs and transform them into our SharePoint solution, and you keep an overview over which solutions we can provide. “Being an experienced consultant you use your communications skills to easily translate technical issues and ensure buy-in on the solutions from all stakeholders involved. Your global outlook enables you to understand the differences in a global organisation as well as the challenges related to deploying solutions globally. And finally, you possess a good technical acumen and an ability to analyse complex issues and reduce these to core decision points to move forward,” Christian finishes.

Arbejdsgiver Navn: GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 87501400

Job kort beskrivelse: Systemadministration

land: Danmark

region: Midtjylland

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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