Arbejde Inbound Logistics Planner unspecified DANFOSS A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4884825
documentId: 4884825
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1538131867256
stillingsbetegnelse: Inbound Logistics Planner
Job Description
Are you a structured and experienced professional with a great empathic mind-set and a glowing interest in the logistics and supply chain environment? Then you might be our next Inbound Planner.
We are on the lookout for a result oriented and innovative person to join our team, where you will help structure, develop and optimize our different processes. You will have the opportunity to become a part of a thriving and performance driven department and challenge yourself, while supporting factories in Kolding and Nordborg
Join our global team and be a part of unique an Danfoss Organization – build with us, engineering of tomorrow!
A resourceful position in a globally leading company
With reference to the team leader of Inbound Logistics, we are looking for a skilled and professional inbound planner to join the team. You will manage a versatile and comprehensive position with a wide range of tasks and responsibilities.
Main responsibilities
- You will work with suppliers and develop logistical solutions with them to improve performance
- You will have a detailed overview of machine capacity and together with suppliers work on developments to secure that suppliers can follow Danfoss´ demand in years to come.
- You will at the same time, secure that supplier has the needed flexibility to cope with fluctuations in demand.
- You will do this through negotiations of the logistical agreement between Danfoss and the supplier
- You will be responsible for ordering and following up on raw material from a group of suppliers in one or more material categories to secure on time deliveries.
- You will be responsible for maintaining raw material safety stocks, using relevant tools to achieve needed stock levels.
- You will secure that relevant fields in master data are maintained and updated on time.
- Last, but not least, you will be accountable for process development and optimization to secure best practice across function areas and plants.
There will be an estimated 10-15 travel days per year primarily in Europe.
You hold a Bachelor’s degree or similar within logistics/supply chain management and have at least some years’ of logistic/supply chain experience in the logistics or procurement environment. You have excellent skills within communication, organizing, analyzing and negotiating. You understand and respect cultural differences.
Your English skills are at an advanced level, both orally and written.
Your IT skills are extensive, as you understand the usage of the following; advanced MS Office: Excel, PPT, Root Cause Problem Solving (RCPS) as well as Lean skills and tools. Lastly you have advanced knowledge of logistic processes, e.g. MIFA, Kanban, VMI and consignment stock. Furthermore, SAP R3 (MM, PP) and Business Intelligence knowledge is an advantage
Proactive and an innovative personality with a passion for logistics
- As a person you are proactive, driven and persistent.
- You are structured and can prioritize and manage time, while you maintain the ability to overlook several processes simultaneously without losing focus.
- You possess an innovative mind-set and have a high ethical understanding.
- You respect and understand the business’ needs, and take these into consideration in every decision, e.g. when participating in development of the supplier category.
What can Danfoss offer?
Professional development as trainings, the possibility to develop yourself in this exciting role, defined career paths, international assignment opportunities. You will be given the possibility to work in a dynamic environment for an innovative company with strong position on the worldwide market. Finally, a benefit and salary package that will match your experience and qualifications.
For further information about the position, please contact Casper Nowak 0045 29228832
Please apply as soon as possible, we will hold Interviews continously.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: DANFOSS A/S
source: DK-STAR
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