Arbejde Global Process Owner CO unspecified DANFOSS A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4881943
documentId: 4881943
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1537770976636
stillingsbetegnelse: Global Process Owner CO
(Location: Flexible)
Job Description
Are you an ambitious and highly skilled professional within Financial Processes? Do you thrive working with advanced and strong solutions and processes? Do you want to be part of a global team of talented professionals? Then you might be the Global Process Owner we are looking for to join our Finance Center of Excellence.
Your responsibilities
As Global Process Owner you will play a key role in connecting key stakeholders from the business segments, local finance, One ERP design authority and central costing team to ensure governance and continuous improvement of the processes regarding standard product costing, actual costing, CO structures and allocation and distribution cycles.
Your main tasks will be:
- Govern global finance processes in compliance with Danfoss Finance Policies and Standards.
- Ensure transparency of the global processes regarding standard product costing, actual costing, CO structures and allocation and distribution cycles.
- Secure relationships with stakeholders to identify and understand new Business needs.
- Provide global and regional support to continuously improve the processes.
- Support and train local/regional finance and SSCs in understanding of standard product costing and actual costing (full cost), CO structures and allocation & distribution cycles.
- Support changes from local/region to follow correct process and standards.
- Support annual global costing run process issues.
- Be the connection channel from CO to SAP/HFM/BW to create and align new reports/requirements in those systems.
- Support month end closing costing issues, eg. production order variance closing, allocation run, and material ledger run issues.
Furthermore, you will have a role in ensuring that the numbers of process variants are kept to a minimum, supporting the OneERP roll in and rollback, securing standard costing process globally and keeping up with new changes in the business structure.
Your main stakeholders are segment finance, OneERP design authority, finance managers and the central costing team. Great communication skills are, therefore, just as important as having a holistic view, and personal and professional drive.
You will be based in one of our locations in Denmark, preferably at our headquarter in Nordborg, DK, reporting directly to the Head of Financial Processes.
Your profile
Ideally, you have a Bachelor or Master in Finance, Accounting or Audit with 6-10 years of experience working within finance, especially product costing and supply chain controlling. Furthermore, we are looking for someone with practical experience within project management and strong stakeholder management skills. If you have knowledge about the Danfoss organization, it is an advantage.
You are a structured and robust person who is curious, persistent, and a great diplomat. You understand the importance of taking ownership and working closely with your colleagues and following up on activities continuously. You are a strong communicator, and you connect easily with stakeholders and colleagues at all levels in the organization. You have an international mind-set and can easily navigate and communicate with people from different cultures. You always have a positive way of approaching your stakeholders, looking for solutions for even the toughest challenges.
For further information on the position, please contact Head of Financial Processes, Bo H. Kelm at +45 5151 1992. For information regarding the recruitment process, please contact Senior Recruiter, Sigurd Hansen at +45 5371 0634.
Please apply at your earliest convenience. We do not have an application deadline but will accept applications as long as the job is posted. The position will be closed once we have found the right candidate.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: DANFOSS A/S
source: DK-STAR
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