Arbejde Global Sales Pipeline Manager (m/f) Syddanmark DANFOSS A/S - jobtilbud
Are you passionate about pursuing a career in a global sales organization? Do you have the ability to further develop and improve Danfoss sales process and systems globally? Then have a closer look at this unique opportunity as Global Sales Pipeline Manager and become part of the Global Sales and Marketing Program (SMP) within the Global Sales Excellence Team of Danfoss Power Electronics Division. Global Sales Excellence SMP is a department reporting directly to the Global Sales Excellence Director. The department is working very closely together with sales and marketing globally on commercial matters throughout our Sales & Marketing Factory. Starting with lead, opportunity and quotation as integral parts and ending with high impact value propositions to the customer resulting in orders. This position is central in managing the global Lead to Order Processes in order to facilitate reaching our sales aspirations. In addition, the department acts as program office for strategic initiatives within the global sales organization. As a Global Sales Pipeline Manager, you will work closely together with stakeholders in other central functions such as Global Marketing, Supply Chain, After Sales and Finance, and not least with the sales organization worldwide. Responsibilities The position reports to Director Sales and Marketing Program. You will be responsible for continuously developing Danfoss Power Electronics global sales pipeline management process, governance model and associated sales processes. You are also expected to be able to contribute to the commercial strategy process and strategic initiatives within the Lead to Order area. To succeed in this role you must be able to understand and simplify very complex processes. Main responsibilities are: •Drive the further development of the global sales pipeline management governance model and associated sales processes to ensure profitable growth. •Work together with the global CRM team to ensure support of the sales pipeline and process optimization efforts around it •Project manage roll-outs of revisions & definition of new sales processes related to “Lead to Order” •Establish reports/dashboards based on sales process including definition of KPI’s and PPI’s •Ensure quality input from Sales Pipeline Management to the PE forecast process. •Constantly focusing on deploying best practice in order to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in Global Sales. •Further development and deployment of our Value Selling Tool and reporting of Value Selling Tool usage including the related coordination between PE Sales organization, Product Management and other functional departments •Value Selling Training In this role you are expected to be able to navigate across a matrix organization and guide collaboration partners in relevant group functions and regional organizations. We are looking for Our ideal candidate has a strong understanding and knowledge of sales and sales processes coming from a large international sales organization or a top tier consulting firm. Preferably you have 4-5 years of hands-on sales experience (internal or external). Business analytical experience in sales planning and forecasting. With a degree in business/economics you understand the value of reducing complexity in business. Experience and flair for sales automation, CRM applications is preferred. So is experience with running improvement projects, Sales process improvement, Six Sigma or similar. As the suitable candidate for this position you also round your profile by being: •A team player and a high-performing person with a holistic mind-set •Pragmatic and goal-oriented, but without losing attention to the right details •Structured and action-oriented and delivers within deadlines •Navigating based on solid business analysis and fact-based insights •Knowledge of BW/BI/Crystal Reports •Confident, robust and versatile communicator with ability to build strong relationship an
Arbejdsgiver Navn: DANFOSS A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 86825066
Job kort beskrivelse: Ledelse af salg og marketing
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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