Arbejde Senior Manager for Design Lab - MEP in Billund Syddanmark LEGO SYSTEM A/S - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: Senior Manager for Design Lab - MEP in Billund

Would you like to work at the heart of the LEGO Group developing new strategic building platforms? Driving new opportunities and projects from initial ideation to finalised core building experiences and ensuring development of the best LEGO® Bricks and elements for kids? Lead people and projects on a strategic and operational level You will lead the Model & Element Platform (MEP) team in Design Lab with 9 experienced specialists, designer managers and project managers. Your team works across all building platforms and systems, developing new concepts and projects, which conclusively end with new core LEGO® Bricks and elements. The team works structured with new element guidelines and platform descriptions to secure the future element development and the best possible building and play experiences. Your role is to: Lead the team and the project development through the development process along with your project managers and secure all deliverances to milestones, presentations and approvals Safeguard a professional strong collaboration and communication with all stakeholders and steering group, securing buy-in for concepts and directions Ensure that the platform projects are fundamental to the core building systems and balanced between maintaining the building platforms and element qualities - and new innovation Step into the Design Lab Leadership Team and contribute to setting the direction for Design Lab and future strategies Everyday Creativity You will join a company where we invite you to think both logically and creatively in everything you do. Our supportive team culture will encourage you to share ideas, try new things and make a real impact on the way we perform and the experiences we provide. You will truly get a feel of this as you step into and lead a team that secures the foundation for the most optimal consumer experience. We achieve extraordinary things because we enjoy what we do. So will you. A strong leader with great communication and interpersonal skills The challenge is to be a strong leader, ensuring professional interaction, collaboration and communication with all stakeholders and business partners. You strive to prevent unforeseen challenges from driving the agenda - being proactive in foreseeing eventual obstacles due to misalignments, delays or quality issues. You set the direction and develop your team, while delivering results. To succeed in doing so, you: Ideally have a background within industrial design, design engineering, product or quality development combined with a proven track record of managing teams for 3+ years Are innovative and are able to identify new opportunities and projects to improve building and play experiences with the LEGO Bricks and elements Have knowledge of the LEGO Building system and platforms and are able to balance between both design and operational aspects in development Bring a positive and energetic spirit into the teams and serve as a role model within management Are extrovert and a strong communicator, and you speak and write English fluently Join the global family of LEGO In the LEGO Group, we succeed together, and you will be part of a global family where you can use your creativity and enjoy a fun working environment across the LEGO Community. We look very much forward to reading your application and please remember to attach your application and a current CV. Apply: We do not have application deadlines on any of our positions. We take candidates into the recruitment process continuously and close the position down once we have found the right candidate.

Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEGO SYSTEM A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 79506070

Job kort beskrivelse:
Andet ingeniørarbejde (undtagen elektroteknologi)

land: Danmark

region: Syddanmark

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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