Arbejde MITAS - International Graduate Programmes – Mechanical Engineering Syddanmark Maersk Oil A/S - jobtilbud
MITAS - International Graduate Programmes – Mechanical Engineering
Are you about to graduate or have you recently graduated as a Mechanical Engineer? Do you see a great career path in oil & gas? Are you internationally minded? Excellent opportunity for technically focused and ambitious engineers to join Maersk Oil’s 2 year international graduate entry programme MITAS: Maersk Oil's International Technology & Science Programme, with a home base in Esbjerg. We Offer We will challenge you! Through a two-year intensive training and working period you will acquire hands-on technical experience in the oil and gas industry. During the MITAS programme you will undertake three job rotations of eight months, in three different departments, in at least two of our international locations. You will be mentored and supervised by Senior Engineers and in-house experts. Each position will develop & challenge you and our international activities will provide excellent opportunities for working with colleagues from all over the world. The programme combines on the job training with technical courses and business skills development, all within the MITAS framework. Together with newly graduated engineers and geoscientists from other international Maersk business units you will participate in different courses such as: • Innovation and Change Management • Project Management • Presentation Skills • Negotiation Skills • Financial and Commercial Understanding • Multicultural Understanding You will be working in a dynamic as well as personally and professionally challenging environment, while being exposed to a broad field of assignments and projects in the oil and gas industry. At the end of the programme you will return to a full-time position in your home base department. Read more on the MITAS programme at: Key Responsibilities Your foremost responsibility is to take part in the every-day engineering tasks in joint cooperation with your discipline colleagues. You will take up a full position and perform activities either related to back-office engineering issues, handling arisen incidents from operations or taking part in specific projects related with others. The jobs you perform are not cases - they are real assignments! The Mechanical Department authorizes designs and handles specification of new systems and modifications to existing systems with respect to: Equipment layout and process controls for turbine & compressors / Pressure containing equipment e.g. pressure vessels, piping & valves / Safety & Utility systems including pumps, cranes and lifesaving equipment. The program involves: Participation in major projects and individual project management of minor projects / Review and preparation of technical standards / New technology screening and testing. You will contribute to the common objectives of the department, namely: • Definition of concepts, develop engineering design concepts, authorize purchase specifications for equipment and assist in offshore commissioning for modifications to existing facilities • Act as project engineer for assigned projects • Provide support and troubleshooting assistance to the production and maintenance departments, onshore as well as offshore • Review external contractor/consultant projects deliverables and develop and monitor interface design between new and old facilities • Participate in the review and development of commissioning and operating procedures for the new facilities Principal accountabilities will also include: • Comply with applicable safety instructions and other company procedures, both onshore and offshore • Ensure that in all matters safety, economical and technical assessments are made, due diligence is observed and initiative taken to secure the best economical results • Ensure that all information, both written and spoken, obtained in the course of the work is handled with confidentiality • Ensure that the work is carried out in a professional manner and in compliance
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Maersk Oil A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 75451366
Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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