Arbejde Finnish speaking Customer service Consultant – suomenkielinen asiakaspalvelukonsultti - fulltime or parttime unspecified NORDICCOM ApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4917199
documentId: 4917199
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1544608568213
Finnish speaking Customer service Consultant – suomenkielinen asiakaspalvelukonsultti - fulltime or parttime
Nordiccom Communications in the heart of Copenhagen is a growing company and therefore we are looking for a Finnish speaking customer service representative - fulltime or parttime - for projects dealing with the Finnish finance market.
Your tasks will consist primarily of customer service and advice together with the Finnish customer service team of 6 colleagues to existing bank customers over the phone. We strive to provide the best solutions on the market and therefore we expect from you:
- That you are fluent in Finnish
- That you are focused and flexible
- That you are cooperative and like to work in a team
- That you can smile through the phone
- That you are willing to learn and want to develop your skills in customer service
- That you want to work independently within a specific area of responsibility
Experience in customer service is an advantage but not a requirement. Nor do we expect that you have specific work experience.
We offer you:
- Personal and professional development
- Careful training and regular coaching
- A social, multinational working environment with an informal tone
- Daily contact and communication with many different people
- A fixed salary with extra bonus
- Working hours full-time from 10:00 to 18:00.
Who are we and what do we do?
Nordiccom Communications is a growing Nordic company placed in the heart of Copenhagen and now also in Helsinki. The companies we represent are major banking and insurance companies in Europe. With the entire Nordic market as our workplace and the phone as our tool, we provide solutions for sales and customer service for a wide range of companies in the financial business. We ensure the quality of our products and services and comply with banks’ standards and code of conduct.
Nordiccom Aps consists of about 85 employees divided into different teams and here you will meet Danes, Swedes as well as Finns. In Nordiccom we emphasize professionalism, but it is also important that we have fun when we are at work. Our goal is that our employees become skilled at their tasks and achieve good results. All training is conducted in your language.
If you are up to these new challenges together with our team, please send an application with the heading “Finnish” "fulltime" or "parttime" to hr (at) or call +45 8877 6800 and ask for Hanne. We accept applications in both Finnish and English.
Eli jos olet valmis uusiin haasteisiin mahtavassa tiimissä, lähetä hakemus aiheella “Finnish” ja myös onko kyse osa- vai täyspäivätyöstä osoitteeseen hr (at) tai soita +45 8877 6800 ja pyydä Hannea.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: NORDICCOM ApS
source: DK-STAR
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