Arbejde iOS Developer unspecified Hufsy ApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4893813
documentId: 4893813
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1539858272136
stillingsbetegnelse: iOS Developer
Hufsy is looking for a startup-minded iOS developer to join our team in Copenhagen and help realise our mission: to reinvent how businesses handle money and do banking. You will be building new features, implement a whole new design, and work closely with the team to shape the future of Hufsy’s solution. The position is full-time with salary.
You have
- Experience developing, releasing, and maintaining native iOS applications
- A deep knowledge of Swift architecture, frameworks, and Xcode
- Strong Swift development skills
- A good understanding of visual and UX design principles
- The skills to work comfortably with a wide range of development tools in an agile environment
- Proven that you can collaborate and work efficiently as part of a team
- Knowledge of Clean Architecture
- Knowledge of UI frameworks (Android, iOS)
- Previous exposure to large, complex, highly-scalable environments hosted on AWS, Google Cloud or Azure Cloud
- Knowledge of Objective-C, but not a must
We offer
- Being an integral part of the team designing and building Hufsy’s solution
- A dynamic work environment, with the opportunity to contribute to areas across the business
- A self-driven and highly passionate team
- A great chance to network and connect with key people in the FinTech space
We are a multinational team and therefore the business language is English.
Personal qualities
You are passionate about technology, with a successful track record in iOS development and experience with Agile software development methodologies. Being a self-starter, you can work both independently and in a team environment. You can see yourself make a move into the world of FinTech and being a part of an ambitious and innovative project.
About us
Hufsy is a FinTech startup. We are on a mission to make banking for small businesses amazing. Our solution is based on the blockchain and user experience is a top priority for us. We therefore use human-centered design approaches to reach the best possible solution. If you have questions in regards to the position please contact CEO Kristoffer Borg Petersen on +45 27287283 or kristoffer (at)
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Hufsy ApS
source: DK-STAR
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