Arbejde Director Talent Management unspecified LEGO SYSTEM A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk1NjAyMyA3

reference: 4956023

documentId: 4956023

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1551962540903

stillingsbetegnelse: Director Talent Management


Are you passionate about Talent Management? Do you have flair for identifying and developing talents? Is your head full of innovative, inspiring and playful ideas how to accelerate individual development and remarkable development experiences for our tale

Join the Talent Management and Development function to support the design, development and implementation of the future Talent Management/Development agenda of the LEGO Group to create impactful Employee experience.

Core Responsibilities

• Co-create a strategic approach to Talent Management

• Lead various Talent Management and Development task forces to design, develop and implement new/revised initiatives.

• Collaborate with key stakeholders to set the direction and provide relevant solutions on executive and talent development eg Coaching and Mentoring.

• Facilitate and implement Talent Review and Succession Planning processes , through common standards and practices.

• Leverage latest global trends and technology in Talent Management/Development LEGO to continue improve our Talent Management agenda for optimal business impact.

• Leverage Play experience into our core People processes

Play your part in our team succeeding

Joining the Talent Management and Development team is an unique opportunity to develop, define and lead the global Talent Management agenda. Your role is to work with key stakeholders to develop and deliver a bespoke agenda with a strong focus on building long term potential and a strong succession pipeline through well thought processes. You implement this, by taking an active role in changing how we work with talent across the entire organization and work in close collaboration with our Leaders, People Partners and the Talent Operations teams to secure strong execution.

Do you have what it takes?

• You have experience with strategic Talent Management and Leadership Development and have successfully implemented global change projects within these areas on a global scale

• You have great collaboration skills and a track record of dealing with executive stakeholders

• You have demonstrated your ability to translate Business Strategic direction into innovative Talent Management and Development interventions

• You have the ability to work effectively with colleagues from different cultures

• You are a change oriented person, who are comfortable “thinking out of the box” and with driving and leading change projects.

• You have the ability to leverage latest trends and technology within the field of Talent Management and Development.

• You have an analytical mindset and are able to communicate in an engaging and inspiring way both verbally and in writing.

• You have an open mindset to personal learning and eager to try out new and innovative ways of doing things

• 5-10 years experience within the HR/Talent Management/Talent Development field in a Global organization

• Ideally experience from Center of Expertise (CoE) and Generalist HR/Line function

• People leadership experience or experience from leading people without authority

• Ideally experience with leading the identification of HRIS functional requirements from a Talent Management perspective

• Ideally experience linking Talent Management activities with Strategic Workforce Planning

• Takes initiative, recognizes and acts on opportunities

• Curious and Innovative thinker

• Ability to translate conceptual thinking into operational plans and design, develop and implement these plans

• Thrives and contributes best in a team setting

• Comfortable with executive stakeholder management

• Speaks English effortlessly

Join the global LEGO family

The LEGO® Group recruits and develops people entirely on merit. If you are confident you have what it takes to succeed in this role – and you share our commitment to creativity, collaboration, and quality – use the APPLY NOW button above or below. Please remember to attach your application and current CV.


“We have a great opportunity to shape and influence the future Leadership skills and behavior of LEGO through bespoke Talent Management activities. You will have a great opportunity to be part of this journey and use this experience as a foundation for your future career in LEGO. We are a small but highly committed team to leverage this opportunity, and understand that Leadership and Learning are indispensable to each other”

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEGO SYSTEM A/S

source: DK-STAR


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