Arbejde Associate Manager for production team in Biopharm New Haemophilia API unspecified Novo Nordisk A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4924996
documentId: 4924996
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1546517285513
Associate Manager for production team in Biopharm New Haemophilia API
Are you passionate about people management and development? Can you motivate and set the direction for your employees? Do you want to make a difference for people living with haemophilia?
In Biopharm New Haemofilia API, RAPPP in Gentofte, we produce quality products for the treatment of haemophilia. As Associate Manager for the production team, you will get a key role in the department in terms of ensuring the pace of production. You are expected to be able to further develop your team - both personally and professionally.
About the department
The department employs approx. 70 skilled and energetic employees divided into 4 teams responsible for purification of biopharmaceutical products. Our process steps are primarily different types of chromatography and crossflow filtration. You will report to the department manager and be part of a dedicated management team. You can expect a highly professional environment with short decision-making processes and a culture with simplification and optimization on top of the agenda.
The position
As Associate Manager, you will be responsible for daily and professional leadership of 26 committed employees in the production team, which primarily consists of hourly-paid employees. You will set the direction, coach and develop your team. The team is responsible for day-to-day operations, including planning, process execution, warehousing, solvent manufacturing and washing processes. The team consists of both highly experienced as well as brand new employees, which is why ensuring effective training and development of competencies is an important task. You and your team will ensure that production runs in accordance with GMP and other requirements described in Novo Nordisk standards. You will focus on enabling your team to deliver in a timely and flawless manner, which means that you run or participate in systematic problem solving. There will be a high degree of cooperation with other teams in the department, the management team as well as QA functions and other collaborators. You will be part of a committed management team in which we we work across and help each other reach our goals.
You probably have a science education, combined with experience from pharmaceutical production. You have a natural interest in managing people, and your CV shows at least two years of management experience. You know the value of gaining trust and respect from your colleagues. You are structured and able to keep the overall view and you thrive in a busy and constantly changing working day. You will need your ability to prioritize and your belief that there is always a solution. As you will work with people at all levels of the organization, it is important to have good communication and collaboration skills. GMP and LEAN are natural elements in your working day. You work in a structured and targeted manner, you never compromise on quality and you take pride in your team always solving its tasks for the good of the whole department. You ensure continuous improvements of your own and your team's work processes and you see changes and challenges as opportunities to develop yourself as well as your team.
Working at Novo Nordisk
In Novo Nordisk it is your skills, your commitment and your ambitions, which helps us improve many people's lives. In return we offer you the opportunity to work with talented and dedicated colleagues and we offer you a wide range of opportunities for professional and personal development
To learn more about the position, please contact department manager Connie Langberg Heinze at 3077 5990.
January 18, 2019
Please note that applications will be reviewed continuously and interviews will be planned as soon as a suitable candidate is identified
Millions rely on us
To work for Novo Nordisk you will need the skills, dedication and ambition to change lives for the better for millions of patients living with diabetes and other chronical diseases. In exchange, we offer the chance to be part of a truly global workplace, where passion and engagement are met with opportunities for professional and personal development.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Novo Nordisk A/S
source: DK-STAR
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