Arbejde Consultan surgeons Syddanmark Sygehus sønderjylland - jobtilbud
Do you take pride in your work and are you ambitious? We need 1-2 surgeons with ambitions who will be responsible for the expansion of the department, raise the professional level and still be "subject-nerds”. We have high ambitions for surgery and we are looking for professionals who can help develop us further. At Sygehus Sønderjylland we organise ourselves in accordance with the patient. Therefore, in 2013, we established a new structure with centres and clinics as a means of ensuring consistency, quality care, as well as an efficient running of the hospital. The new organisation has been optimized by pooling specialist competences in fewer geographical locations and has especially been expanded in Aabenraa, which is one of the four acute hospitals in Southern Denmark. The collaboration between the specialist areas is also strengthened through a revised interdisciplinary patient flow and a close dialogue across specialities and professional groups. Clinic for Abdominal Surgery You will become part of the Clinic for Abdominal Surgery and take care of surgical tasks in accordance with your qualifications and profile. Integrated with the Abdominal Surgical Clinic, there is also the Abdominal Medical Clinic, where the medical gastro-enterology and hepatology are included. The two clinics form a combined medical and surgical unit that provide assessment and treat patients with surgical and/or medical gastroenterology or liver function diseases. The two clinics share wards and have common endoscopic-and ambulatory facilities. Operations however, are “only for the surgeons”. The clinics support student teaching at various levels in addition to postgraduate educational programmes for basic doctors (KBU) , family medicine and surgery. We are also working on several projects in order to establish research positions in the long term. The Organ Center The Clinic for Abdominal Surgery, the Abdominal Medical Clinic and the Clinic for Urology are the basis for the the Organ (abdominal) Center. In each of the clinics and in the Organ Center, the managers consist of teams of two with either a nursing or medical background. With the establishment of the Organ Centre, the focus is to provide an even better quality for the patients. We will ensure an efficient running of the centre and especially anchor research and innovation. We will build up learning environments that develop employee's skills. Your Profile You are a specialist in surgery and/or surgical gastroenterology with research experience (not a must), a desire to educate and teach, an interest in innovation and development and a desire to contribute with your profile and your commitment. We plan to place the new consultants in the upper team which is the reason why candidates with proven experience in the upper gastrointestinal surgery will have anadvantage. In collaboration with the other specialist in the team, the consultant must perform: - Surgical treatment of benign disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract - Assessment and palliative treatment of malignant disorders of the upper gastrointestinal tract - Hernia surgery We would like one of the consultants to work within the area of patients with biliary tract disorders where we are in need of an ERCP who is also able to carry out cholangioscopy. We will provide you with a great work environment for your busy working day in which there will be opportunity for continuing your professional development. Interested? You are welcome to contact the following for further information about the job: Leader of the Clinic for Abdominal Surgery, Dr Mirjana Komljen, tel.: 79976287, e-mail: Mirjana.komljen2 (at) Leader of the Organ Center, Dr. Karsten Bech, D.M.Sc., MPA, mobile 60770309, e-mail: Karsten.Bech (at) Leader of the Organ Center Annette H. Lauridsen, mobile 30432140, e-mail: annette.h.lauridsen (at) Salary and Working Conditions Salary and employment will be agreed on appointment and will be in accor
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Sygehus sønderjylland
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 74631515
Sådan ansøger: jue (at)
Job kort beskrivelse: Speciallægearbejde
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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