Arbejde Technical Director Syddanmark PURETEQ A/S - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: Technical Director

Are you an experienced technical maritime/offshore leader? Does salt water flow in your veins? And do you have the personal drive to take on a top-level responsibility? If yes, then we invite you to join us and live out your ambitions in a position with great responsibility, particularly in terms of interesting projects with a high-tech environmental technology within the maritime sector. PureteQ A/S have introduced a brand new, patented, compact and cost-effective wet scrubber on the market. The first system was installed recently on a Ro-Pax ferry servicing Bornholm and commissioning is presently being carried out. PureteQ is negotiating other contracts for installation of Maritime Turbo Scrubbers, and we are therefore preparing for growth. We are looking for a strategic, ambitious and skilled Technical Director with solid maritime competencies. Join our quest to transform environmental issues into sustainable solutions PureteQ is an engineering company that specializes in the development, installation, start-up and commissioning of patented high-tech process plants in co-operation with suppliers of parts and services. We solve environmental issues for our customers in the on- and offshore industries, with a special focus on the maritime sector. Our systems transform liquid hazardous waste and industrial by-products into sustainable, clean energy. We construct technologies, such as systems for treatment of flue gas, exhaust gas and process water, that reduce or eliminate combustion and incineration related issues, and we provide heat recovery systems for flue gas missions. With our systems, shipowners have a valid way to become compliant with new maritime environmental rules and regulations. PureteQ is a subsidiary of the Dansk Synergi A/S conglomerate, and our headquarters, production facilities and test center are located in the city of Svendborg. PureteQ have developed five Technologies in the patent pipeline, of which all have been published and the demands have been filed. Our internal communication is informal, and we have and maintain a very good team-spirit. We expect you to be working in our Svendborg facilities, when you’re not travelling. Key responsibilities As our Technical Director, you will join the top management of PureteQ A/S with all the responsibilities that this comprises. You will determine strategies for future growth together with our CEO, SVP and our owners, and of course also the rest of the organization. You will take on the full responsibility of the technical organization, purchasing and project management, including: - Laying out a technical strategy based on our current achievements and forming the action plans that will make the strategy come true - Day-to-day management of the technical organization and staff, including freelance staff where these do not report to project managers - Selection and vetting of partners and suppliers to the technical organization together with the Purchasing Manager and other staff - Setting the right team and making sure that all bases are covered and that we’re ready for growth - Commercial optimization of the performance of the technical organization - Proactively ensure supply chain timeliness and quality of all services and equipment - Participate in the preparation of tenders and proposals - Participate in FAT and SAT test of equipment in selected Projects Your profile You are probably either a well-performing maritime or offshore technical manager looking for the NeXT step in your career, or an experienced maritime or offshore technical director looking for new challenges in a company with a good culture and excellent team spirit. We expect that you already know what it takes to fill the position, but the following points are key to achieving the expected results: - 5+ years’ experience in technical management in the maritime/shipping/offshore industry - Familiar with working with Class and Flag State - Solid technical understanding, creativity and i

Arbejdsgiver Navn: PURETEQ A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 62212787

Sådan ansøger: job (at)

Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde i industri og produktion

land: Danmark

region: Syddanmark

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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