Arbejde Cable Engineer for offshore wind farms Syddanmark DONG ENERGY A/S - jobtilbud
Would you like to take up the technical challenges in relation to high-voltage cabling for grid connection of wind farms? Join us and become Cable Engineer in our HV Cables department which is responsible for all high-voltage cables transporting energy from generation in the turbine to delivery to the grid. You will be involved in all engineering phases related to the array cable systems for offshore wind farms. The department is part of Wind Power which has 1600 employees and is one of four business units in DONG Energy. Wind Power is the world’s largest developer and operator of offshore wind power, and we use our unique knowledge in all phases of our wind turbine projects. During the last 20 years, we have developed and constructed the largest portfolio of offshore wind farms in Northern Europe. The department currently consists of 24 employees located in Denmark, London and Hamburg as well as several consultants. HV Cables has its own principal specialist and is organised in three teams: Solutions, Cables and Export Cables. You will be part of the Cables team and will have a unique opportunity to learn from a team of very experienced array cable engineers. You may choose freely to be based either at our London office in the United Kingdom or alternatively at one of our Danish offices in Skærbæk near Fredericia or in Gentofte in the Greater Copenhagen area. However, you should expect some travelling in relation to your work. Areas of responsibility As an Cable Engineer, you will be responsible for managing medium and high-voltage submarine cabling related to our offshore wind farms. Your key tasks will be to plan, execute and follow up on projects, including managing subcontractors and consultants. In doing so, you will be cooperating closely with your colleagues based at different locations in Northern Europe. As a member of our Cable team, you will be co-responsible for performing tasks related to transmitting the renewable energy produced in our offshore wind farms. Furthermore, your key duties will be to: •establish common cable design guidelines and participate in knowledge sharing and technical reviews •prepare technical, supply and installation requirements for offshore array cables to be used for connection of offshore platforms and wind turbines •participate in technical and commercial negotiations as well as internal and external clarifications and interfaces •participate in project team meetings and cross-disciplinary cooperation Your profile You have a degree in electrical engineering or similar and some experience within medium-voltage and/or high-voltage cable engineering. It is important that you have knowledge of relevant legislative requirements, codes, standards and industry practice related to offshore medium-voltage cable engineering. It is essential that you are outgoing and have a conscientious attitude to your work. You thrive on working in teams with your colleagues and other stakeholders. You have good communication skills and have a structured, service-minded and flexible approach to your tasks. Furthermore, you are very attentive to development trends within the cabling field and excel in acquiring new knowledge. As we operate in a highly international environment and work closely together with our colleagues abroad, it is essential that you speak and write English fluently. We offer A unique and challenging job where you have every opportunity to develop your skills, when you help to carry out some of the world's largest offshore wind projects. You will be part of a dynamic and technical department which is at the forefront of developments in the entire field and responsible for approximately 30% of the offshore cables being installed these years in offshore wind farms. Our solutions are of a high professional standard, and you will be able to spar with experienced specialists in an informal environment. We have an ambitious growth strategy for
Arbejdsgiver Navn: DONG ENERGY A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 99551111
Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde inden for elektronik
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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