Arbejde Embedded Software Engineer - Sustaining Syddanmark SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC IT DENMARK ApS - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: Embedded Software Engineer - Sustaining

Are you a curious and experienced engineer? And would you like an independent position, yet be part of a strong team of skilled engineers, who deliver quality product improvements for our global customers? Make a difference – join Schneider Electric Schneider Electric IT Devision is a global leader in network-critical physical infrastructure (NCPI) solutions and sets the standard in its industry for quality, innovation and support. As our new Firmware Design Engineer, you will be part of our Sustaining Platform Engineering team of 11 engineers. We provide complex technical support on 3-phase UPS systems in the 10KW to 1.6MW range on a global scale. Find the best solutions for our customers When our R&D team has developed new firmware the product responsibility is immediately transferred to the Platform Engineering team who provides complex technical support on a global scale but also has the responsibility for debugging, i.e. errors or issues in the firmware. For this we need real specialists – maybe you? The scope of work for debug requires delivering enough information, it is generally necessary to translate the firmware with specific settings ensuring names of variables are saved in the translated firmware. At times it is also required to avoid automatic firmware optimization. To do this type of debugging and implementation of corrections a solid knowledge of DSP, embedded programming (C/C+ and assembler) and FPGA/VHDL is a prerequisite. Your primary responsibility will be problem solving at all levels of all types of system issues. To do this, you will possess thorough understanding of the high and low level functionality of our products regarding the system control on firmware and hardware basis. This will enable you to proactively implement new functionality / design changes that make our products even better in terms of power availability and user friendliness and to support platform engineers worldwide. Through product management projects, you design, verify, validate and implement product improvements, often brought about by customer requested features to our products and firmware/hardware issues from the field. This also means you will set up design verification test programs, support Test Engineering, create Engineering Change Orders and Service Bulletins on new solutions, and ensure technical product documentation is up to date. At the same time, you participate in global cross function product evolution projects that improve our UPS products even further. In cooperation with team members, you also review new designs under development and ensure that lessons learned are communicated to R&D. Enterprising engineer with a strong technical skill set •You have a degree in Electrical Engineering combined with 2-5 years of relevant experience with design and programming embedded systems (FPGA, micro processors, DSP) •Good understanding of high and low level functionality regarding system control in the firmware and the hardware •Experience with C/C++ and embedded programming (assembler) •Knowledge of VHDL is an advantage •Knowledge of and interest in electrical hardware •You are fluent in both written and spoken English As a person, you are curious and take an open minded approach to problem solving, yet you conduct your work in a structured and systematic fashion, working independently or in teams. With your drive and focus on quality, you can get to the root of various technical issues and deliver solutions that meet customer expectations on time. You understand how to grasp, define and plan your tasks. Finally, you possess good communication skills and cultural understanding that enables you to cooperate with customers and colleagues from many different backgrounds. Work in a dynamic and highly technical environment We react immediately on feedback from the field or production lines, so you will be challenged on your ability to shift gear on short notice. Simultaneously, you will have to meet de


Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 75542255

Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde inden for elektronik

land: Danmark

region: Syddanmark

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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