Arbejde Business Analyst unspecified LEO PHARMA A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkyNTUxMyA3

reference: 4925513

documentId: 4925513

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1546594988613

stillingsbetegnelse: Business Analyst


In the Product Costing & Production Controlling team – a part of GPS Finance (Global Product Supply), we are looking for a Business analyst in a joint Site Controller and Finance Business Partner role. Based at our Ballerup site you will play a key role in establishing transparency in our financial data, analysis and reports with focus on Biologics & External Manufacturing, Patient Supply and cost centres across the support functions in Ballerup.


You will arrive at the maybe most exciting period of time in LEO’s history. Founded on a new ambitious strategy we have embarked on a voyage to become the world’s preferred dermatology care partner. Everywhere you turn ground-breaking projects are taking place and establishing insight in our Financial Production Performance to optimize efficiency is a very important one of those.


If you’re ready to take you career to the next step and your interests combine production economics & business partnering in a manufacturing environment, this is it.


Analyses, reporting, controlling, budgeting, development…

You will be Finance Business Partner for Biologics & External Manufacturing and Patient Supply, where you are the single point of contact for these areas with all regarding finance. Your role will focus on both operations and support,

  • with operations relating to cost price lead on CMO products, variance analysis on purchase prices, scrap, destructions and similar
  • while focus in the support area relate to analysing operational expenses and optimisation initiatives. 

Above all, your task is to provide insight and transparency into our ‘customers’ business areas, in addition to actively push and challenge the organisation to become more efficient.

Another part of the role is to take a Site Controller responsibility for all cost centres within support functions in GPS. You drive month close for all cost centres, provide variance analyses and lead the bi-annual forecasting process, where you work closely with all cost centre managers and the Finance Business Partners.


Among your key tasks are

  • Month end closing process for operational activities within ‘Biologics & External manufacturing’, including deep dive variance analysis, understanding of underlying trends and developments and presentation of findings for value-stream management
  • Month end closing process for all cost centre activities in support functions Ballerup, including variance analysis and reporting to respective Finance Business partners and cost centre managers. For the area ‘Patient Supply’ and ‘Biologics & External Manufacturing’ you will have a dual role being both Site Controller and Finance Business Partner
  • Drive forecasting process for the above areas


Your background

You have a Diploma/Degree in accounting management or equivalent (HA/HD/cand.merc/polit). You have 2-3 years’ experience working with either Cost Controlling or as a Business Partner – preferable in a production environment. You have an interest in production economics and supply chain management.

On the personal level, you have pioneering spirit and you are not afraid of creating results in an environment where many of the necessary processes and systems need to be developed by you and your team colleagues. This also calls for your team spirit, cooperation skills and your ability to prioritise and get things done without getting lost in perfection of every tiny detail. As you will interact closely with colleagues in the GPS organisation you must also be able to build strong relations to people with professional backgrounds that differs from your own.

 Your new team

You will join a well-functioning team of five with three based in Denmark, one in Ireland and one in France. We work in an informal atmosphere characterised by openness and helpfulness. The management style is Scandinavian meaning that your input and ideas are highly valued and appreciated – actually we expect you to come forward and challenge us. Our ambition is to gradually increase cross-country knowledge sharing and cooperation, and you will be an important contributor to making this come true.


We look forward to receiving your application no later than 13 January 2019. For more information about the position please contact Manager, Jørgen Oxholm +45 2643 4343.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEO PHARMA A/S

source: DK-STAR


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