Arbejde Onshore Export Cable Installation Engineer for offshore wind farms across our portfolio unspecified Ørsted A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkwOTYwOSA3

reference: 4909609

documentId: 4909609

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1542974474620

Onshore Export Cable Installation Engineer for offshore wind farms across our portfolio


Would you like to take up the technical challenges in relation to onshore installation of our export cables for our future offshore wind farms?  

Join us and become Onshore Export Cable Installation Engineer in our competent Export Cables department where you’ll be involved in all engineering phases related to the onshore export cable installation for our offshore wind farms and will ensure a viable installation solution towards the cable systems. You’ll be part of a team responsible for the design, development and procurement of onshore export cable installation and Landfall Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) works.  

We offer a unique opportunity to learn directly from a team of very experienced engineers, and you’ll cooperate closely with colleagues across Europe. Moreover, working in our Product Line organisation will offer you the unmatched possibility to both develop and implement innovative solutions across our portfolio to realise major cost savings.  

Your key tasks will be to 

  • generate, develop and manage technical product improvements (levers) to the onshore export cable installation scope 
  • plan, organise and lead technology development forums and performance management forums where relevant with key suppliers 
  • give technical support to the onshore cable route selection for our offshore wind farms in the early development phases and bid processes, ensuring high-quality standards and competitive cable route designs 
  • undertake front end route engineering (FEED) design of cable routes 
  • assist in the assessment and engineering of the landfall HDD location and methods. 

Moreover, you’ll prepare and implement standard documentation related to product development (i.e. technical requirements, risk register, interface register, design statements, etc.). You’ll also manage interfaces with internal and external stakeholders. You’ll participate in the preparation of the onshore export cable installation tenders review and ensure that the supplier offers are of the correct quality, within scope and budget.  

Your competences include that you 

  • have a bachelor or master’s degree in electrical or civil engineering, physics or similar 
  • have experience within onshore cable installation. Experience with HDD works, as well as experience with high-voltage cables and accessories, will be positively evaluated 
  • have a problem-solving attitude, team working spirit and outgoing personality 
  • are a good communicator and speak and write English fluently 
  • have an international mindset. 

In addition, you thrive in an international environment, can create good relationships with your stakeholders and have a structured, service-minded and flexible approach to your tasks. You’re independent and a strong initiator with the ability to solve challenging issues within a complex matrix organisation. Finally, it’s an advantage if you’re familiar with international cable standards: CIGRE, IEC and ICEA.  

Working at Ørsted 

To be the frontrunner in the green energy transformation, we invest significantly in innovation and empower our employees to help shape the renewable energy technologies of the future. We cultivate a collaborative, dynamic and diverse work environment and encourage career-long learning and development so our people can realise their full potential.  

Would you like to help shape the renewable technologies of the future? 

Send your application to us as soon as possible and no later than 2 December 2018, as we’ll be conducting interviews on a continuous basis.  

Please don’t hesitate to contact Morten Ahrenkiel Vilhelmsen, Manager of the Export Cables department, by telephone on +45 30 92 30 30 if you’d like to know more about the position.  

For the United Kingdom, please don’t hesitate to contact the Recruitment Specialist by email on ukrecruitment (at)  

All UK based positions will be subject to satisfactory pre-employment screening, further details will be given at offer stage.  

You should expect some travelling to our international offices and sites in relation to your work.  

Please note that for your application to be taken into consideration, you must submit your application via our online career pages.

About Ørsted 

Headquartered in Denmark, Ørsted’s 5,800 employees develop, construct and operate offshore wind farms, bioenergy plants and innovative waste-to-energy solutions and provide smart energy products to its customers. Ørsted Offshore Wind’s 2,300 employees have developed and constructed the largest portfolio of offshore wind farms in Northern Europe, and we’re expanding with international activities in the US and Asia-Pacific. For more information on Ørsted, visit Ø 

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Ørsted A/S

source: DK-STAR


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