Arbejde Warehousing & Inbound Logistics Senior Management Consultant unspecified Vestas Wind System A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk3NjY4NCA3

reference: 4976684

documentId: 4976684

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1555482627596

Warehousing & Inbound Logistics Senior Management Consultant


Do you want to use your skills to solve one of the most important global challenges of our time - ensuring a more sustainable future? Do you want to be in an agile and action-oriented team, where you will be able to deliver value and afterwards track on it?

If yes, then you should look at this exciting opportunity as Warehousing & Inbound Logistics Senior Management Consultant     

Global IT > Development, Sales, Production & Service > Sourcing, Logistics & Warehousing
The Sourcing, Logistics and Warehousing department belongs to the Vestas Global IT unit in charge of advising our Business Units about technology and processes supporting the whole Vestas value chain (four processes: Idea to Market, Market to Order, Order to Delivery and Delivery to Renewal). We are an international team of 9 passionate professionals whose mission are to generate value for Vestas in the processes under our responsibility (Source to Pay, Warehousing and Inbound Logistics), being used to scale up our delivery through IT Sourcing partners.  

You will join to the Sourcing, Logistics and Warehousing department, within the Global IT Development, Sales, Production & Service organisation, which is accountable for all the IT offerings supporting our value chain. You will help Vestas to bring the world sustainable energy solutions to power a bright future. 

Main responsibilities:

  • Lead Global IT to engage with our Business stakeholders, building trust, in order to accelerate the transformation of our supply chain to accomplish our profitable growth strategy
  • Business processes advisory in the inbound logistics and warehousing areas, for both manufacturing and services businesses, translating their requirements into high quality IT services and solutions
  • E2E roadmaps, business processes analysis and design following Make to Order manufacturing industry best practices. We are looking for the standardisation and industrialisation of our processes
  • Business cases execution, enabling value-based decisions and inspiring our business stakeholders on how to get value from IT
  • Explain our enterprise architecture business capabilities to our internal customers in order to enable their future processes coverage in an optimum way, aligned to our Global IT strategy 


  • Relevant technical master or degree
  • Above 5 years of experience in the inbound logistics and warehousing processes standardisation and streamlining, as well as on the Procure to Pay flow
  • Experience in IT and/or management consulting in the supply chain area, preferably in a top tier consulting firm or blue-chip organisation working with customers in our industry
  • SAP ECC (IM, WM, LE, QA), APO, TM... and/or S/4 hands on experience. SAP Ariba knowledge will be considered a plus
  • Experience in integrating the procurement cycle with the subsequent inbound logistics and warehousing processes in global organisations with complex customised IT solutions and processes (SAP Ariba, SAP WM, Supplier Collaboration, Serial Numbers standards, ASN, etc.) 
  • Exposure to business operations apart from supply chain, like business processes improvement and re-engineering, service strategy, etc.
  • Project delivery experience (scoping, resources planning, budgeting, etc.). Experience with delivering through IT outsourcing partners
  • Desired background in digitalisation, cloud solutions, SAAS, etc. 


  • Action oriented with focus on on-time delivery without losing attention to quality
  • Strong communication and decision-making skills
  • Analytical and structured with an open mind
  • Excellent interpersonal and stakeholder management skills. You should be able to influence other people
  • "Live" our core values of Accountability, Collaboration and Simplicity
  • Obstacle overcomer
  • Fluent in English, both oral and written   

What we offer
We are an agile and action-oriented organisation, where you will be able to deliver value and afterwards track on it. We offer you an opportunity where you will be involved in a digital transformation process in the supply chain area. You will be a part of a team composed of strong professionals with extensive experience, who you can get support from and enter a knowledge discussion with. Vestas are going through a process of maturing and industrialising our processes, and therefore will you be able the have an enormous impact on Vestas' future. 

Vestas is a large matrix organisation, which the perfect place to mature your stakeholder management abilities and soft skills. 

Additional information
Work location in Aarhus, Denmark
Expected travel 10-20 days a year

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vestas Wind System A/S

source: DK-STAR


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