Arbejde UX Designer unspecified MOMONDO A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4884253
documentId: 4884253
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1538047566273
stillingsbetegnelse: UX Designer
We are looking for an energetic and passionate user experience designer with a strong background in developing intelligent and delightful user-centred solutions for both app and web.
As our new user experience designer, you will work hands-on, producing wireframes, flow diagrams, prototypes and specifications. You should be proficient in the latest tools to research and design your solutions, be comfortable presenting, and act as a facilitator for innovation in a design driven organisation.
You will work alongside an award-winning design team and multiple groups across the business, including senior executives, in order to solve complex user problems that positively impact on the business. You will work primarily with product owners, designers and developers, responding to feature requests, defining user needs and generating ideas for product enhancements to solve those needs. You should have experience working in an Agile environment, be proactive in driving product innovation and be inspired by working collaboratively with designers and engineers.
Required Skills
Ideally, you should have 4+ years of experience, be a motivated and well organised creative, and enjoy working collaboratively with design, development, QA and product optimisation from development to release and beyond.
You should also:
- Be proficient in using any modern tool to communicate your solutions; sketching, Axure, Creative Suite, Sketch, Marvel, Principle etc.
- Have experience in analysing qualitative and quantitative data to inform design decisions
- Have experience in generating user stories, gathering requirements and ensuring design solutions are communicated to designers, engineers and stakeholders
- Have a thorough understanding of common interaction patterns for desktop web, mobile web, iOS and Android platforms
- Love taking initiative to solve problems and pitching in to help out others
- Possess the skills and understand the importance communication, to coherently present, share and sell in ideas within the business
- Have some experience in planning and conducting user tests. Ranging from guerrilla testing, remote usability testing, or lab based testing
- Be able to provide evidence of user centred, imaginative and realistic solutions you have worked on
About momondo
momondo is a free, independent and inspirational global travel search site comparing billions of cheap flights, hotels and car hire deals. We think everybody should be able to travel the world, because travelling makes us more open-minded and tolerant.
We offer a global brand that is more than merely a functionality: it is a bold and colourful travel universe that inspires people to travel the world and to be curious about other people, places cultures and ways of living.
We were founded in 2006, and today we’re over 250 people from over 40 countries in our head office in Copenhagen, Denmark. momondo is managed by KAYAK, an independent subsidiary of Booking Holdings Inc. We’re all passionate about our work, and we all take great pride in opening the world together with our fellow travellers.
To read more about our purpose, visit
- 6 weeks paid vacation
- Day off on your birthday
- Pension plan contributions
- Health insurance
- No stupid meetings
- Lunch catering five days per week
- Monthly massages
- An awesome office in the city centre of Copenhagen
- Multiple social events, e.g. wine and beer tasting, football, yoga, Friday bars, foosball
- A great team of social and passionate professionals
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: MOMONDO A/S
source: DK-STAR
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