Arbejde Transport Manager (12717) unspecified Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg4NDgxOCA3

reference: 4884818

documentId: 4884818

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1538131867430

stillingsbetegnelse: Transport Manager (12717)


Division Offshore Location: Denmark, Vejle  F
unctional area:

About Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

With a worldwide installed capacity of 75 GW, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy has a presence in more than 90 countries and a team of 27,000 employees worldwide. Its end-to-end value chain presence encompasses onshore and offshores wind turbines design, manufacturing, installation as well as cutting-edge service solutions. The global headquarters and legal domicile of the company is located in Zamudio, Spain. The company is listed on the Spanish stock exchange.

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

Transport Manager

Job ID: 12717

Location: Vejle

Organization: Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

Mode of employment:  Full time

For our Offshore  Logistics department we are looking for a dedicated Transport Manager, who wants to play a vital role in the execution of offshore wind turbine projects.

The Logistics Execution team belongs to the SGRE Sales & Projects organization and works as an internal supplier of end-to-end logistics solutions for our large-scale wind turbine projects world-wide.

The team manages all SGRE contracts of heavy haulage, port services, heavy-lift shipping as well as containers, groupage, courier etc. within Business Unit Offshore.

As a Transport Manager, you work as an integrated member of each project’s core Project Management team – while referring back into the line organization of the Logistics Execution team.

You will have a broad interface to both external and internal stakeholders. 

What are my responsibilities?

The Transport Manager defines and executes the end-to-end logistics concept for our offshore wind turbine projects, from hand-over from sales team until commercial closing of the project.

Your main responsibilities and deliverables will include:

  • Verifying and maintaining project’s component demands against supply chain schedules.
  • Defining and implementing overall logistics strategy for execution of your project(s).
  • Identifying risks and opportunities within the executional plan.
  • Creating project’s schedules for deliveries to site (trucking, shipping etc).
  • Demand management of transport and lifting equipment required for execution.
  • Full ownership of the project’s logistics budget, including continuous monitoring and forecasting.
  • Pushing for continuous improvement, relating to schedules, budgets, quality etc.
  • Knowledge sharing within line organization and between project teams.
  • Participation in regular project team meetings, including on-site presence where required.
  • Availability during evenings and weekends, although very limited (phone reach).

You should expect up to 20 days of travelling per year, depending on assignments. 

What do I need to qualify for this job?

Strong analytical skills.
Project Management experience from a logistics environment.
Strong communication skills and excellent English skills, both orally and in writing.
A proactive, outgoing and structured mind-set.
Strong planning skills with an ability to “keep the full overview”
Experience in Project business from freight forwarding environment or similar.
As a person, you are self-driven with a responsible and result-oriented approach to your work.
You are able to carry out your tasks in a dynamic and hectic environment where no days are the same and where priorities have to be adjusted in the daily shift between long-term planning and short-term tasks.

In case you have acquired your skills in alternative ways your application is just as well appreciated.

If you have specific questions about the position, please contact the hiring manager Thomas Mortensen via phone: +45 30375505 or email: Thomas.mortensen (at)

For further information regarding the recruitment process, please send the recruiting team an email via (at) Please mention the Job ID in the email.

We kindly draw your attention to the fact that this email may NOT be used for sending applications or CVs for evaluation.

Deadline for application: as soon as possible

You may also apply through the following link:

If you want to know more:


numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy A/S

source: DK-STAR


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