Arbejde Test Automation Engineer unspecified TRACKMAN A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg5Mzc1MSA3

reference: 4893751

documentId: 4893751

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1539857885696

stillingsbetegnelse: Test Automation Engineer


TrackMan is growing fast and we are looking for dedicated Test Automation Engineers who are ready to develop our testing platform even further. Join our creative software test team, where you will be a key player in the constant strive to heighten the quality of our software.

As our new Test Automation Engineer your key task is to develop automated test platforms for both iOS, Android and Windows. We strive to develop and run automated testing, yet some manual testing is also part of the job. In addition to our daily testing, you will also provide test services to other departments by developing testing tools, test methodologies and counselling. Experience with OOD, Agile Development, Scrum, Unit Testing, Design Patterns and Continuous Integration is a plus.



Are you our new colleague?

You have experience in classic software test using testcases and bug tracking software. In addition you also have a deep knowledge of how automated testing is developed using tools like Test Complete, Appium, Selenium or Xamarin/Visual Studio App Center. You have experience with manual and automated software test, and knowledge about testing backend services. You have worked with either C#, Java or Python, and most likely also used to working with SCRUM and Kanban. You have a high attention to details and you take great pride in the quality of your work. You proactively seek to improve our processes and tools, and you enjoy a collaborative work environment where we build on each others competencies across software development teams, UI/UX and projects. 


Technology evolving at the speed of innovation

Our proprietary technology is based on expert knowledge about radar, computer vision and software engineering nurtured throughout many years. Our solutions are developed by specialists who endlessly explore and challenge new technical boundaries, and it evolves constantly to meet our ambitions as a company, and our visions as engineers and dreamers.


Join the home of a powerful sports brand and a one-of-a-kind technology

TrackMan’s blend of sports products, cutting-edge technology and rapid growth make our company an outstanding place to work. Our work culture is entrepreneurial, ambitious and rewarding as you get to collaborate with inspiring colleagues and interact with the leaders of golf, baseball and football. Based on a unique brand reputation, we are proud of working in close partnership with the top athletes, organizations and teams that rely on our technology to stay ahead of the race.

We are a Danish company founded, owned and run since 2003 by three entrepreneurs with a strong passion for sports. Today, we have a global footprint with our headquarter located in Denmark (Vedbaek) and offices in New York, Phoenix, Poland and Tokyo. We are more than two hundred and fifty people worldwide, half of which work in Denmark where all hardware and software products are developed, tested and manufactured. 


Where innovation happens

At TrackMan, we know that great people make great products.

We believe our teamwork thrives and innovation sparks in an atmosphere where people are encouraged to think for themselves, where everybody’s voices are heard, and where the best ideas prevail in the pursuit of the exceptional solution.These ingredients are what make TrackMan an inspiring company – for our customers and our colleagues.


Apply today and join a company with great technologies, great colleagues, and great opportunities to grow. 

Please send your application as soon as possible and no later than 14th of October, as we will be assessing the applications on an ongoing basis. For further information, please contact René Rosendahl at +45 2441 4382 . We look forward to hearing from you.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: TRACKMAN A/S

source: DK-STAR


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