Arbejde Talent Acquisition and Employer Branding Lead unspecified MAERSK CONTAINER INDUSTRY A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk1OTA0NCA3

reference: 4959044

documentId: 4959044

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1552466036910

stillingsbetegnelse: Talent Acquisition and Employer Branding Lead


A.P. Moller – Maersk is on an exciting journey to become the global integrator of container logistics and Maersk Container Industry (MCI) actively supports and links into the overall ambition by growing our business to become a significant player in the cold chain market, offering the best product at the lowest cost, putting our customers’ needs at the center of everything we do.

The success of our growth journey depends on us working with the latest technologies supporting innovation, creativity and quality. We need to position ourselves as a preferred employer for cutting edge talents and need to be prepared to recruit where the talent is.

We offer

With just above 2000 employees, MCI has a head office in Copenhagen, Denmark, a reefer factory in Qingdao, China and a Commercial and R&D center in Tinglev, Denmark but our future talent acquisition strategy will consider all corners of the world potential hiring locations. You will have an excellent opportunity to put your mark on how we shape our future organization and how we make sure we become both a well-known and preferred employer within the segments we wish to attract.

Working closely together with the functional owners, hiring managers and local HR responsible, you will be in charge of making sure we are always that one step ahead when it comes to making sure that we have the strategic capabilities we need. You will play a key role in our recruitment processes and develop a deep understanding of our business model and key drivers.

Key responsibilities

• Re-evaluate our employer branding strategy and tools introducing new ways of branding and positioning our company (including social media) for awareness and proactive sourcing

• Establish and manage relationships and collaborations with e.g. universities, research institutes, local government and municipality representatives, job centers, etc.

• Manage end to end recruitment process together with hiring managers and local HR

• Solicit support from recruitment agencies and headhunters and manage process when and as needed

We are looking for

You have an academic degree in a relevant area and 3 to 5 years of experience from a similar position in a global company, consultancy company or with a search firm.

As a person, you are a natural relationship builder, self-starter and enjoy working independently in a high paced and dynamic environment. Excellent written and verbal English skills are a prerequisite.

The position is located in our Tingelv office where our Commercial and R&D organization sits. You will report to the Global Head of HR and there will be plenty of opportunities to tap into the wider Maersk community for collaboration and development.
Some travel activity is to be expected.

You are kindly asked to submit your application online no later than 25 March. You are encouraged to apply as soon as possible as we will be inviting candidates for interviews on an ongoing basis and the position might be filled earlier than the application deadline

Last application date: 25/3/2019

Additional info

Ref.: MC-204611

For further information, please contact: Jenny Bergin on +46 708 85 21 85 or via email jenny.bergin (at) or Ying Sun on +45 23299763

Maersk Container Industry (MCI) develops and manufactures refrigerated containers, dry containers and the Star Cool refrigeration machine for the intermodal industry, including shipping lines, fruit multinationals and leasing companies. Widely recognised as the most energy-efficient reefer, the Star Cool Integrated reefer features innovative technologies such as Controlled Atmosphere (CA). The company employs around 4,000 employees. It has R&D and engineering test facilities in Denmark, two production facilities in China, as well as a global network of 400 service providers. Building on a heritage of more than 100 years in shipping and strong core values, MCI is part of A.P. Moller - Maersk.


numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime


source: DK-STAR


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