Arbejde Student worker, Support unspecified SITEIMPROVE A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkyMzAzNiA3

reference: 4923036

documentId: 4923036

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1545910733016

stillingsbetegnelse: Student worker, Support


Would you like to be part of a technically skilled Support team in an international company on an amazing growth journey? If yes, Siteimprove is growing, making the Technical Support team busier and busier. Therefore, we are looking for two energetic students to join our social team based in Central Copenhagen!

As a student worker in Support, you will get to work with a devoted and ambitious team in supporting engaged customers of the Siteimprove platform – primarily cookie-related cases. You will get to develop and test out your technical skills, as well as contributing with new ideas and thoughts on the processes. 

Working hours are approximately 15 hours/week. You will report directly to the Senior Technical Support Manager.


  • Updating our cookie-database
  • Researching unknown cookies
  • Categorizing & Updating the database
  • Setting up cookie info banners
  • Handling cookie-related cases/issues
  • Other support-related tasks

What we require of you

  • Excellent English communication skills, Danish not a requirement
  • Enjoys resolving problems or helping out customers
  • You are tech-savvy and easily navigate IT systems
  • You are detail-oriented and structured

What We’ll Love About You

  • You have knowledge of what cookies are and their function on websites
  • You have a genuine interest in websites, software and digital optimization
  • You’re a positive, self-driven, and passionate individual

What you’ll love about us

Siteimprove is a Danish founded multinational company with over 500 employees worldwide. In addition to our headquarters in the heart of Copenhagen, we have offices in Minneapolis, London, Berlin, Vienna, Amsterdam, Oslo, Sydney, and Toronto, and our customers are spread across North America, Europe, and Australia.

Even though we’ve been growing rapidly since our foundation back in 2003, we’ve maintained our entrepreneurial spirit and strong feeling of togetherness. Read more about the Siteimprovers and our inclusive and global work hard, play hard culture in this section. Read more about our values & culture here:

We also offer amazing perks!

  • Great and Inspiring Company Culture. We are passionate, innovative and people-centric. Consistently named as a great place to work across the globe.
  • Amazing Kitchen Staff. Our celebrity head chef and his kitchen staff cook delicious lunch for us every day. There’s always cake on Fridays and on special occasions and celebrations (which, luckily, is quite often). Naturally, we offer free coffee, free sodas, and free fruit ad libitum. Opportunity to buy food to take home at extremely reasonable prices.
  • Outstanding Office Location. We are located in the heart of Copenhagen in a beautiful building sometimes referred to as “the Palace” by our employees.
  • Own Friday Bar. On the top floor, we have our very own Friday Bar with quality beverages. In the summer, we may take the party to our cozy courtyard for barbecuing in the sun.
  • Fitness Facilities. We have our own free-of-charge fitness room available to all employees at all times. Pulse and strength classes every week. We also have yoga once a month.

How To Apply

Click on the “Apply now” button now to submit your application. If you have any questions regarding the job, feel free to contact our Senior Technical Support Manager, Rasmus Lindblad Sørensen at +45 31 51 35 50#.

Siteimprove is a global corporation and has developed data practices designed to assure your personally-identifiable information is appropriately protected. Please note that personal information may be transferred, accessed and stored globally as necessary for the uses and disclosures stated in accordance with our Privacy Policy at

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: SITEIMPROVE A/S

source: DK-STAR


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