Arbejde Head of 3rd Party Management unspecified Maersk Oil Trading and Investments A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4918779
documentId: 4918779
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1544796991903
stillingsbetegnelse: Head of 3rd Party Management
The purpose of the role is to facilitate compliance due diligence checks to support the business units in determining if a proposed business partner has integrity and good reputation based on defined risk criteria’s.
The role is available in Copenhagen and in the Hague.
We offer
The position offers an excellent opportunity to work in a very dynamic, international and professionally challenging environment among skilled and dedicated colleagues. As a performance-oriented company, we strive to always recruit the best person for the job – regardless of gender, age, nationality, sexual orientation or religious beliefs. We are proud of our diversity and see it as a genuine source of strength. In A.P. Moller – Maersk we make occupational safety and health our highest priority, and we try to ensure that our employees have a healthy work-life balance.
Key responsibilities
Head of Compliance Third Party Management:
• Facilitates the compliance due diligence (DD) process in corporation with the other compliance officer and the entities on a global level
• Define and maintain a risk-based third party matrix to execute required DD
• Define and maintain levels of DD
• Review matrix and level on an annual basis to assure identified risks are covered.
• Own and manage the guideline on third party management
• Manage the stocktacking process and ongoing review of third parties as defined in the guideline
• Obtaining from the business unit the necessary documents (questionnaire and pertaining attachments) and maintain system to document them
• Manage the whole process, by liaising with service provider and assure proper DD
• Evaluating together with the Legal Department, Finance and requesting party the results of the research performed by the service provider
• Finalizing and document the results of the DD
• Lead the continues monitoring of screened third parties and initiate remedies as requiered
• Recommend and follow-up mitigating measures defined in the DD procedure
• Provide input to training and communication as well risk-assessment on potential risks and findings
We are looking for
- 4-6 years in a similar position in the compliance field
- Excellent understanding of the compliance rule areas, and relevant legislations
- Strong knowledge of public record databases
- Strong research, analytical and comprehension skills, with ability to analyze and document large amounts of data
- Excellent intercultural, problem solving skill
- Experienced in running third party due diligences
- Experienced implementing internal control frameworks
- Excellent working knowledge of Word, Excel, Power Point, Internet and online tools or applications
- Experience in process & project management
- Experience in people management
- Strong developed persuasion and presentation skills
- Must be motivated and detail-oriented with great organizational skills.
- Professional report writing and presentation skills
Required soft skills:
- Persuasive
- Attention to detail
- Persistent
- Understand himself as trusted adviser
- Unwavering ethics & integrity in a competitive and demanding work environment
- Ability to work independently and in a team environment.
- Ability to guide team members through highly sensitive situations.
- Ability to work across cultures
- Self-starter
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Maersk Oil Trading and Investments A/S
source: DK-STAR
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