Arbejde Strategy & Planning International Trainee, Denmark Syddanmark ECCO A/S - jobtilbud
Strategy & Planning International Trainee, Denmark
ECCO is looking for an ambitious International Trainee for a Strategy & Planning career track, which is part of our Brand and Product division in our headquarters in Southern Denmark. You will be given the opportunity to work in an analytical environment, whilst gaining a strong feel for the product. You will be involved in the strategy deployment and planning of our footwear collections. With your degree in Analysis and/or Business Development, you will be able to add value to in relating figures on to the actual products, analysing the performance of collections, considering consumer feedback and requirements from the markets and thereby contributing to the sustained development of our footwear. We can offer an optimum blend of knowledge, skills, hands-on experiences in analysis, collection planning and strategy, on top of business and commercial insight, to accelerate your development within this area of the business. Job Profile: •Deployment of collection strategy by taking part in business development initiatives •Collection planning and analysis understanding sales performance and contribution •Regular cooperation with various teams such as Design, Research & Development, Marketing, support functions and functions in the sales regions •Preparation and participation in merchandise workshops, conferences and other decision meetings internally and externally Qualifications and Work Experience: •A relevant bachelor degree with focus on analysis and/or business development •Technical and analytical focus with good problem-solving skills •Ambitious and hard-working with an eye for detail •Thrive on challenges; enjoy having many things to do at the same time and working in a regularly changing environment in an autonomous role •Quality-oriented and results driven •Ability to meet deadlines •Possess global mind-set •Globally mobile •Knowledge of other languages on top of English language is a distinct advantage We offer: Come walk the world with us! During the 3-year International Trainee Programme, you will experience ECCO full value chain, participate in an introduction to our Global Headquarter functions in Denmark, attend our prestigious Leather Crash Course, gain exposure to our retail organisation, experience one of our global Production Units and various job rotations around the world; all of which aim to support your career development. ECCO people have a passion for what they do and a drive to achieve the very best. This passion and drive are what characterise ECCO and what make us a successful global company. At ECCO, we invest in our people. Our ambition is to be a highly attractive workplace, providing employees with on-going opportunities for professional training and development, constant challenges and internal mobility in a global network. With about 20,000 employees from over 50 nationalities, you are offered the International Trainee position with a genuine multinational business that encompasses a rich mix of cultures, languages and backgrounds. Send application:
Arbejdsgiver Navn: ECCO A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 74911625
Job kort beskrivelse: Arbejde inden for samfundsøkonomi
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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