Arbejde Statisticians on different seniority levels for Clinical Development in Søborg unspecified Novo Nordisk A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkyNDg3MyA3

reference: 4924873

documentId: 4924873

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1546514307330

Statisticians on different seniority levels for Clinical Development in Søborg


Are you interested in working with biological data and would you like to be part of a future with a strong pipeline of products, have a huge variety of tasks and great opportunities to learn and engage in a strong scientific community? Then you may be one of our Statisticians. We are looking to employ a number of biostatisticians at all seniority levels.

In Global Development, we take responsibility for new products based on proteins and peptides from early development phases to product launch and life cycle management. We are responsible for managing clinical drug development worldwide, securing that the process lives up to uniform global standards, regulations and business ethics. We work in global project teams with focus on delivering viable products that make a difference to patients and ultimately benefit society.

About the department
The Biostatistics function in our R&D clinical development organisation currently consists of around 210 Statisticians and Statistical Programmers worldwide. Of these, approximately 160 of us are situated in Denmark, where we are organised in departments supporting each of our large development projects (e.g. Semaglutide, Insulin, Obesity or Haemophilia). Novo Nordisk has a broad R&D pipeline and most of our statistical work is done in-house, thus we offer a wide variety of statistical challenges and provide a strong scientific community. We work closely with our biostatistics affiliates and outsourcing partners as well as stakeholders.

The positions

As we are looking for a number of new biostatisticians, the jobs vary in content and responsibility.

As a Statistician you are responsible for planning, coordinating and executing clinical trials and other tasks within clinical development. As Statistician you will be responsible for giving input to protocols and statistical analyses, analysing and interpreting trial results and handle day-to-day statistical issues during the course of the trial. Other activities include input to manuscripts, posters, risk management plans and other safety reports. Furthermore, you will be engaged in coordinating and supervising the work of contract houses around the world performing outsourced statistical tasks.


As Statistics Specialist you are responsible for planning and coordinating both standard and more complex and time critical statistical tasks. You are responsible for providing statistical input to project development plans, trial designs, clinical trial protocols, summary documents and publications. You will be involved in presentation and discussion of results both internally and externally and participate in meetings with regulatory authorities and external collaborators. You handle many assignments concurrently and will work in close collaboration with a team of Statisticians and Statistical Programmers.


Regardless your seniority, you will collaborate closely with other Statisticians, Statistical Programmers and interact in our cross-disciplinary teams. You will interact in cross-disciplinary development teams across country borders and communicate statistical issues and ideas to non-statisticians. Dependent on your qualifications, you may be involved in coaching of less experienced colleagues and be responsible for coordinating and supervising the work of contract houses around the world performing outsourced tasks. Therefore, we expect you to be able to communicate statistical problems and ideas clearly.


Development of methods and processes as well as knowledge sharing is continuously on-going in Novo Nordisk, especially based on the initiative of the employees. We expect you to take part in our dedicated efforts to make Biostatistics a good and challenging place to work. In exchange we offer great opportunities for ongoing training to ensure your continued competency development.



You have a solid theoretical background in statistics corresponding to M.Sc. level, and you bring in depth understanding of practical statistical problems. If you additionally bring statistical experience within the pharmaceutical industry and/or SAS experience it will be an advantage but not a prerequisite. In addition, candidates for Statistics Specialist level positions will have at least eight years of experience within clinical or bio-statistical research and ability to act as driver and leading member of the project teams you are part of, and if you have experience from project management and supervision of colleagues, it will be an advantage.


Since you will be participating in cross-disciplinary development teams across country borders we expect you to have the ability to communicate statistical issues and ideas to non-statisticians. That is why good communication skills and fluency in English is required.

Working at Novo Nordisk
By being patient-focused, we have achieved a market leading position and we continuously develop our expertise to stay ahead – both as a company and as individuals. Working here mean joining a team of highly qualified, ambitious colleagues with a passion to bring better treatments to the people who need them. We strive for always keeping our positive and collaborative atmosphere in our daily work and there is good work-life-balance.

For further information, please contact Peter F. Christens at +45 3079 9440 or Susanne Gammelgaard Bøttcher +45 3079 1450.

January 10, 2019.


Millions rely on us
To work for Novo Nordisk you will need the skills, dedication and ambition to change lives for the better for millions of patients living with diabetes and other chronical diseases. In exchange, we offer the chance to be part of a truly global workplace, where passion and engagement are met with opportunities for professional and personal development.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Novo Nordisk A/S

source: DK-STAR


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