Arbejde Student Assistant for international Business Finance function unspecified LEO PHARMA A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4867023
documentId: 4867023
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1534836258296
Student Assistant for international Business Finance function
Supporting an international Business Finance function
Would you like to become a part of the finance team supporting the decision process in a rapidly growing region? Do you want to help create value across +60 markets through high quality business analysis? And are you ready to take our business understanding to the next level?
Become a part of Business Finance in LEO Pharma’s most diverse region
As our new student assistant you will become part of Region International, one of three business critical regions in LEO Pharma. The region is growing fast and is very diverse, covering LEO affiliates in Asia, Middle & South America, the Middle East, Africa and Russia. Over the past years we have intensified our focus on developing our regional Business Finance function and strive to deliver best-in-class business partnering to the commercial side of the business. To do so we need to be in close dialog with our Business Finance colleagues in our local markets to gain knowledge about market dynamics and business insights. Besides being a commercial sparring partner we are also the link between Global Business Finance and local Business Finance functions ensuring that global process (e.g. Rolling Forecasts, Business Development and Strategy projects) run seamlessly.
Your primary tasks will be to:
- Design, develop and test excel based reports and analysis tools (e.g. dashboards)
- Deliver on ad-hoc reporting requests from commercial and global finance
- Develop ad-hoc management presentations for Directors in Region International
- Hand-on support to Region International markets during rolling forecast (May and October)
- Support on Strategy Projects
You will report and work in close collaboration with the Senior Business Analyst. The job is based at the LEO Pharma headquarters in Ballerup, Greater Copenhagen. The working hours are expected to be 15-20 hours per week. Hours can be flexible in exam periods. You can expect to travel 5-10 days a year in order to support colleagues on projects across the region.
Brilliant team player ready to grow in a cross-cultural environment
You are currently studying a relevant degree within finance or economics (e.g. HA Almen, Cand.merc. FIR/ASC/AEF/FSM or Cand.Polit) and have min. 2 years left of your studies. You are very analytical and hold a solid interest in the area between finance and commercial part of the business. You are ambitious are motivated by challenges and strive under pressure. However, you put an equal amount of effort into being service minded and delivering high quality on recurring or generic tasks.
Furthermore you:
· Are fluent in oral and written Danish and English
· Have strong MS Excel skills and are comfortable with PowerPoint
· Are a strong communicator
You have a well-developed intercultural understanding, and are seasoned in building and maintaining productive partnerships across borders and functions. As your stakeholders are all working in different time zones you understand that the best time to meet is not always 9-5. And as a true team player you are aware of the potential that lies in a group who share a common will to fight, laugh, win and celebrate as a team.
Open doors and open minds
In Region International Ballerup you will join a team of highly dedicated people who share the common understanding that helping each other is key to succeeding in our daily work. Our ambition is to create value for the region and our colleagues by continuously developing smarter tools, processes and systems that can support an attractive, productive, engaging and compliant workplace. We believe that everyone can contribute to our success. Therefore, you can always feel free to share your opinion and bring your ideas to the table – Actually, we are expecting you to…
Got more questions?
For more information about the position please contact Senior Business Analyst, Søren Rohde ONDDK (at)
Apply for this unique position at LEO Pharma
Please apply via the link at our website and remember to attach application and CV. The deadline is 16 September 2018. We will conduct interviews on a continuous basis.
numberOfPosts: 1
Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEO PHARMA A/S
source: DK-STAR
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