Arbejde Senior thought leader driver and social media consultant unspecified FLSMIDTH & CO. A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg2NDkxNCA3

reference: 4864914

documentId: 4864914

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1534332485173

Senior thought leader driver and social media consultant


FLSmidth delivers sustainable productivity to the global mining and cement industries. As the market-leading supplier of engineering, equipment and service solutions, FLSmidth improves performance, drives down costs, and reduces the environmental impact of operations. Present in more than 50 countries and headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, the Group and its 11,700 employees generated revenue of DKK 18 billion in 2017.

Brief Description

Are you a strong believer in the power of social media? Can you develop and drive the position of FLSmidth as thought leaders to its global stakeholders?

At Group Communications, we are looking for a highly skilled social media communicator who is skilful and capable of getting the organisation to communicate. Assisted by colleagues in communication and marketing, you drive the strategy, inspirer the organisation and deliver on you own. You have eyes and ears for the important agendas, stakeholder's needs, the good stories and are able to communicate it alongside the energy and profile of FLSmidth in an engaging way through words and pictures. You practice creating synergy and coherence between all relevant channels and media.

You are comfortable seeing the big picture, then tying individual, targeted projects together in a bigger strategic setting. You will become part of an ambitious communication team who advise on and implement communication projects and tasks to reach internal and external audiences around the world.

We wish to enter into positive dialogue with our customers, sub-suppliers, employees and other stakeholders. The starting point of our communication is the ambition of being the frontrunner of our cement and mining industries and positioning ourselves as subject matter experts.

Detailed Description

Your primary work tasks

·         Develop, facilitate and drive thought leader strategy and content on FLSmidth’s corporate, external communication platforms as social media including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and also on website and print media

·         Advise and train managers on public relations issues to ensure that communication is consistent and contributory to obtaining the set business goal and strategy

·         Develop overall external communication guidelines, and follow up on the implementation of these to ensure coherent communication throughout the organization

·         Establish and develop external relationships to create and uphold a positive and unified image of FLSmidth

·         Plan, execute and coordinate large communication projects assigned by top management

·         Manage classic PR tasks and facilitate corporate communication across boarders are aligned with the PR strategy, branding and Some

Job Requirements

Your profile

·         Relevant communication degree, for example, cand. merc., cand. comm., journalist or the like

·         5+ years of professional experience preferably in social media in a global context

·         Excellent written and verbal communication skills with English

·         Track record in strategic communication, planning and execution

·         Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines in a fast-paced, rapidly-changing environment

·         Excellent interpersonal and critical thinking skills

·         Strong team player who is willing to do what it takes to get the job done

·         Background in coordinating and working across cross functional teams in a matrix environment

·         Curiosity and inclination to seek new tools and technologies to advance our goals

·         Knowledge of trends in current industries is preferred but not necessary

Additional Details

Our commitment to you
FLSmidth helps build societies all over the world by contributing to the infrastructure needed for global economic growth.

You take off for a career in an international environment in close collaboration with customers, suppliers and colleagues all over the world based on our values: Competence, Co-operation and Responsibility.

Ensuring that safety stays on top of mind is part of FLSmidth’s commitment of being a responsible employer and we focus on developing your talent through ongoing training.

We offer you a job where you have influence to organise your daily work, access to a large, global network of colleagues and subject matter experts, flexible hours and good employment and working conditions. You can anticipate less than 20 travel days per year.

Application and contact
Closing date for applications is as soon as possible and not later than 3 September 2018. Questions about the position may be directed to Marlene Rau Bucholdtz, External Communications Manager at mrb (at) or +45 4137 1645.

numberOfPosts: 1


Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: FLSMIDTH & CO. A/S

source: DK-STAR


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