Arbejde Manufacturing Associates unspecified BIOGEN (DENMARK) NEW MANUFACTURINGApS - jobtilbud


id: NDg2NDY4NSA3

reference: 4864685

documentId: 4864685

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1534329184570

stillingsbetegnelse: Manufacturing Associates



Looking for Manufacturing Associates for our three production departments – Media Prep & Support, Cell Culture, and Purification.

Job Category


Requisition Number


Job Description

If you would you like to be part of an innovative company, where we value each and every employee, and you appreciate and provide quality in your work – this might be the right opportunity for you. 

Biogen is currently looking for Manufacturing Associates for our three production departments – Media Prep & Support, Cell Culture, and Purification. We need employees working on permanent basis as well as on a temporary contract. 

Are you a skilled process technologist or industrial operator, or do you have a Bachelor/Master in Science? Do you thrive in a technical and high-paced environment, where you can build an in-depth biopharmaceutical production knowledge that helps patients suffering from sclerosis? Then the opportunity as Manufacturing Associate might be your dream job! 

About the departments
The three departments cover different steps in the biopharmaceutical production such as media preparation, CIP, SIP of equipment, expansion of cell cultures, and purification via multiple column steps. The common denominator of the Media Prep, Cell Culture and Purification departments is the acknowledgement and development of each and every employee and the diversity of our employees who have different experiences and educational backgrounds, but collaborate closely on getting our medicine safely and quickly to the market. 

The three departments comprise a number of teams, with 8-10 Manufacturing Associates in each. You will work on a day or night shift, 7 days during a 14 day period, including every other weekend. 

About the position
In the position as Manufacturing Associate, you will e.g. work on the following tasks: 
- Execution and revision of cGMP documents 
- Handling and completion of batch documentation
- In-process measurements and aseptic sampling 
- Execution of validation protocols
- Read and understand work instructions (in English)


We are looking for process technologists, process operators, industrial operators – OR candidates who have acquired solid cGMP/SOP experience in a similar production company. Alternatively you are a fresh graduate within life science.

It is important that you are technically and operationally minded so that you quickly acquire an in-depth understanding of production equipment and processes, if you do not have previous cGMP experience. 

Our future colleague is very quality-oriented and thorough – and enjoys working with numbers, math and IT tools. In addition to this, it is a requirement that you have good English skills in writing and speech. 

You are a person who enjoys working in a multicultural environment where things move fast. You are proactive, responsible, organized and able to take ownership of tasks. Furthermore, you are a good team player who thrives on setting a good example. You are flexible in relation to duties and working hours. You must be keen on learning new things, and the first period will of course include thorough training.


Process technology, process operation, industrial operation – OR candidates who have acquired solid cGMP/SOP experience in a similar production company. Alternatively you are a fresh graduate within life science.

Your application 
If your qualifications meet our requirements, and we have sparked your interest in joining us, please apply for this position. When you apply, we kindly ask you to indicate which team (Media Prep., Cell Culture or Purification) you want to be considered for and whether you are interested in working on a day – or night shift (or both)

Employment Category

Full-Time Regular

Experience Level

Entry Level

numberOfPosts: 1


Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime


source: DK-STAR


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