Arbejde Senior Information Security Consultant Operational Technology (OT) unspecified Maersk Oil Trading and Investments A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkxODczMCA3

reference: 4918730

documentId: 4918730

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1544795219140

Senior Information Security Consultant Operational Technology (OT)


A.P. Moller – Maersk Group is dedicated to delivering the highest level of customer-focused and reliable ocean transportation services. Our vision, built from a strong heritage of uprightness, constant care, and innovation, has guided our business operations since the first Maersk vessel sailed in 1904. By remaining committed to that vision we have expanded our business to become the world’s largest ocean carrier. And we are consistently recognized as the most reliable container shipping company in the world. Maersk offers an attractive value proposition for its employees, with a package consisting of an externally benchmarked salary, pension scheme, 25 days holiday a year and a number of other attractive (details dependent on working location). 
Maersk has embarked on a transformation journey, focusing on a long-term strategy to remain best in class in an industry that is increasingly volatile. At the very core of this strategy lie Digitization and IT. Viewed as a significant enabler of our company strategy, Digitization and IT are taking center stage in our aspiration to secure sustainable growth of our businesses. We actively engage the business and deliver its needs while undergoing our own transformation. 
We aim to be a world-class professional IT organization that delivers business value through automation, standardization, increased forecasting capabilities and proactive handling of the market. These are levers that our leadership rely on to maintain a strong and stable presence in the market. We further aim to establish one global platform on which we effectively build systems that allow us to differentiate from our competitors in the market.

We offer

Joining Maersk as Senior Information Security Consultant Operational Technology you will gain broad business knowledge of the company’s activities globally, as well as understand how the complexity of IT supports the transport and logistics business.
You will be exposed to a wide and challenging range of business issues through regular engagement with key stakeholders across all management levels within Maersk. 
You will work and communicate across geographical and cultural borders that will enable you to build a strong professional network. We believe people thrive when they are in charge of their career paths and professional growth. We will provide you with opportunities to broaden your knowledge and strengthen your technical and professional foundation.
By choosing Maersk, you join not only for the role, but for a career. From here your path may take you towards extended responsibilities within the A.P. Moller – Maersk Group.


Key responsibilities

•Accountable for establishing and providing specialist consultancy on Industrial Control Systems/Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (ICS/SCADA) and Enterprise Security Solutions (ESS)
•Responsible for embedding the principles of Maersk Information Security throughout Maersk Operational Technology (OT) Programs
•Responsible for security testing coordination (code reviews and penetration testing) and manage execution in collaboration with external vendors
•Accountable for advice and guidance to stakeholders on implementing suitable, cost-effective security measures throughout the development phases (Agile/DevOps)
•Responsible for supporting Maersk OT Programs in early stages to provide a solid security foundation for IT and OT innovations.
•Responsible for supporting Maersk OT Programs with the development of high-level and low-level architecture designs, including recommended security controls, for complete IT/OT security
•Responsible for supporting the Information Security Consultancy team with research and development on current and emerging security trends and threats in OT.
•Responsible for incorporating of Maersk Information Security cyber threat intelligence into the consideration of safety and resilience in the design and development of OT/IT systems
•Responsible for promoting Information Security good practices and represent Information Security on all levels within Maersk OT Programs
•Responsible for carrying out treatment and tracking of identified risks in Maersk OT Programs in order to ensure that security is properly embedded at delivery.

•Primary internal stakeholders:
- Operational Technology (cross-brand)
- IT Support, Operations & Engineering

•Other stakeholders:
- Security Architecture
- Business Continuity
- Physical Security

•Primary external stakeholders
- Service providers
- Regulatory bodies
- Third Party Vendors

We are looking for

A vacancy exists for a Senior Information Security Consultant Operational Technology (OT) within Maersk Information Security. The successful candidate will be accountable for establishing and providing specialist consultancy on ICS/SCADA and ESS to Maersk OT programs.

The role will involve:
•Acting as primary point of contact in engagement with Maersk OT Programs and project managers
•Working with stakeholders across the business and external suppliers as an Information Security SME
•Reviewing technology objectives for Maersk OT Programs and their resulting security requirements, making recommendations accordingly
•Working within in a strong team of skilled Information Security professionals

Required skills:
•Excellent written and verbal communication skills and able to be understood by both technical and non-technical personnel
•Ability to manage conflicting priorities and multiple tasks
•Handles most situations independently but will timely seek advice and guidance on more complex issues
•Stakeholder management and interpersonal skills at both a technical and non-technical level
•Able to work in a collaborative environment 
•Outstanding critical reasoning and problem-solving skills – sticks to the problem until it is resolved
•Proven ability to work and effectively prioritize in a dynamic and decentralized work environment
•Being able to explain complex ideas in a concise manner
•Being able to articulate the risks in a language that the business understands
•High attention to detail
•Be able to work under pressure and meet deadlines

Required experience:
•A Master degree in computer sciences, information management or another related area (a Bachelor degree can be accepted if experience is extensive)
•One or more Information Security Certifications (e.g. CISSP, CISM, CCSP, SCCP, Ethical hacking) are required
•Broad general IT knowledge (networks, architecture, Cloud etc).
•Broad general OT knowledge (ICS/SCADA)
•Solid industrial security relevant experience including Information Security and Risk Management experience and ICS/SCADA engineering experience.
•Knowledge of international regulatory and compliance frameworks.
•Knowledge of framework implementation and architecture design compliant with IEC62443.
•Knowledge and understanding of securing cloud technologies.
•Knowledge and understanding of securing interconnectivity of industrial systems, the enterprise and third parties, integrated with security monitoring solutions.

Based: Copenhagen, Denmark or The Hague, The Netherlands

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Maersk Oil Trading and Investments A/S

source: DK-STAR


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