På TRY kan du finde alle jobtilbud fra GOLDEN HOUSE RESTAURANT ApS, hvilke er tilgængelige på dette tidspunkt i Danmark. Du kan se 4 jobtilbud GOLDEN HOUSE RESTAURANT ApS.

Kok -

GOLDEN HOUSE RESTAURANT ApS - 2019-05-04 - unspecified

kinesisk kok ( chinese cook) -

kinesisk kok til asiatisk madlaving ny golden house restaurant .English:  Restaurant ny golden house located in Randers a city in Denmark. We are looking for one chinese cook, who knows how to make both traditionel and modern food from the chinese kitchen, perferably with an exam diploma from a
GOLDEN HOUSE RESTAURANT ApS - 2019-04-24 - unspecified

chinese cook ( kinesisk din sum kok ) -

Restaurant golden house located in Randers a city in Denmark.  we are looking for one chinese din sum cook, who knows how to make both traditionel and modern food from the chinese kitchen. The most important thing is to know how to make good chinese food. we kan offer you a busy dag , a high paycheck
GOLDEN HOUSE RESTAURANT ApS - 2018-08-18 - unspecified