Arbejde Senior Cloud Architects to support the digital transformation in Novo Nordisk unspecified NOVO NORDISK A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkzNDYwMSA3

reference: 4934601

documentId: 4934601

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1548241426133

Senior Cloud Architects to support the digital transformation in Novo Nordisk


As a part of the digital journey Novo Nordisk are currently on, we are looking for two Senior Cloud Architects to support the implementation of our new Global Cloud strategy and to impact how we build our cloud infrastructure on a global scale. If you find it exciting to work with SaaS, PaaS, IaaS solutions and being a part of a team who will drive and lead the adoption of these in Novo Nordisk, please continue reading.  Join our journey and become a part of a highly engaged team developing and building Novo Nordisk’s new global hybrid cloud setup. 

About the department


You will become a part of our rapidly expanding Global Hosting Services organisation in a team comprised of 7 employees. We are responsible for defining our Global Hosting and Cloud strategy and implementing the initiatives we have defined which will enable our future services delivered out of Novo Nordisk Global IT. One of our key responsibilities is to ensure the adoption of cloud technologies and solutions, to support the business requirements. The department is characterised by highly technical senior profiles with a good energy and strong passion to make a difference for the sake of our patients. We have daily communication with users, colleagues and stakeholders across the global organisation as well as with local and global vendors. 

We are situated in Bagsværd, Denmark.

The position
As Senior Cloud Architect, you will be part of developing the cloud strategy and be responsible for implementing the initiatives, working closely with the entire team of architects who are accountable for the various infrastructure services as well as the service and system management teams. In this role you will work closely together with stakeholders across Novo Nordisk with the shared goal of implementing and transforming our current platforms into our future cloud based setup.


You will be responsible for engineering the cloud platforms utilising the strategic cloud technologies, but also to assess the future cloud technologies needed and how these can be utilised and integrated. You will also be responsible for managing the cloud services provided by our strategic vendors to ensure successful implementation and operation to the agreed time and service levels.

This is also an exciting opportunity because the position and tasks will be impacted by the transformation Novo Nordisk are currently undergoing. A transformation on how we accelerate the time-to-market in order to enable our line of business to deliver on their strategies and business objectives by the use of various digital technologies available in the cloud portfolio.


Some business travel should be expected, of approximately 10-20 days per year.

The ideal candidate holds a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in IT or a relevant field and has a strong proven track record with some years of technical understanding and experience within IT architecture, various infrastructure technologies and services such as server AD/DC and security certificates,  network services as well as knowledge and insight into cloud and database technologies e.g. AWS, Azure and datacentre setup and design. 


Your career has supplied you with business understanding which makes you able to build and communicate business cases and conduct decisions based on business requirements. Maybe you even have an ITIL foundation certification or having experience working in an agile project framework. As you will operate in a multi-stakeholder environment, you need good communication skills.

As a person you are team oriented and have a strong personal drive to complete the tasks set out. We expect our new Senior Cloud Architect to be service-minded, thrive in a busy environment and to have the ability to get tasks completed within the deadlines defined.  Finally, you have professional proficiency in written and spoken English.


Working at Novo Nordisk
At Novo Nordisk, your skills, dedication and ambitions help us change lives for the better. In exchange, we offer you a great opportunity to work in a global organisation with extraordinary talents and benefit from a range of possibilities for both professional and personal development.

For further information, please contact Jacob Maymann at +45 3079 5493.



15 February 2019 


Millions rely on us
To work for Novo Nordisk you will need the skills, dedication and ambition to change lives for the better for millions of patients living with diabetes and other chronical diseases. In exchange, we offer the chance to be part of a truly global workplace, where passion and engagement are met with opportunities for professional and personal development.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: NOVO NORDISK A/S

source: DK-STAR


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