Arbejde Senior Business Developer for significant business responsibility unspecified NETS Denmark A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4918537
documentId: 4918537
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1544791567630
Senior Business Developer for significant business responsibility
Key position within Nets´ product development as our new Senior Business Developer
Join one of the biggest FinTech companies in Europe within the Payments industry
What we are and where our strategy will take us……
As Business Developer in Processing Services, you will be responsible for the product development strategy, and pricing for a defined business area - one of the biggest business areas in Nets, and the second largest player in the European marked. A key position within Nets that has the full attention of the top Management and includes a significant business responsibility.
You will actively contribute to developing and executing the strategy, growing the business area in Europe, through product and business development, but also taking part in M&A activities. You will join a team of Business Developers responsibility is to ensure an up-to-date and competitive Product Strategy and Product road-map that goes together with profitable services and a competitive pricing model. Focus of the job is primarily at strategic and tactical level.
You will contribute in driving the payment business forward and contribute to the objective of Processing Services, which is to ensure Nets’ current market position, business growth and long-term profitability in Europe.
You come with a background from the Payment industry, and have in-depth commercial understanding, in-sight and fully understand the complexity and changing dynamics in the payment landscape and the financial sector in general. Your focus is driving the business development together with our customers. Internally in Nets you will have a very wide range of stakeholders across Nets – vertically and horizontally.
Are you up for the challenge in a company recognized by growth, innovation and development?
Key responsibilities:
- Business and Product development
- Build business cases
- Develop, communicate and execute against a prioritized product roadmap
- Identify areas of opportunity and new features to the product line that will optimize sales opportunities and enhance the customer experience
- Innovate new concepts that meet market needs
- Build value propositions. Secure current position through improved value propositions and increased client centricity
- Ensure high level commercial road-maps
- Drive fact-based recommendations to stakeholders and to juggle multiple initiatives at once
- Oversee the evaluation of market trends, product lifecycle, product positioning, and maintain accountability for product profit and growth goals
- Managing the development of product pricing, profitability analysis and recommends pricing
- Establish and run strategic projects and innovation processes.
- Actively contribute in realization of strategy, business plans and ambitions for Card Processing.
- Support Product Managers and Product Owners in building compelling service, establish and ensure collaborative environment within area of responsibility in a matrix organisation
The position as Senior Business Developer includes no people management responsibility, but a comprehensive commercial responsibility. You will report to Vice President for Processing Services Michael Bidstrup.
You will be part of a team among professional and very experienced colleagues and an environment characterized by team play and informality - your working location will be Nets´ location in Ballerup, Denmark - travel activity is expected to approx. 20 days per year.
Development in the Job
Since Nets is growing in many areas of the Nordics and in Europe, there will be a good development in the your job as well as there will be possibility to develop into a next career step at a later stage. With the right efforts and results there will be many open doors at Nets in the future.
You are a great communicator with experience from the industry and belive that you also bring...
- In depth understanding of the Payment industry
- Excellent written and oral communication skills, excellent interpersonal skills and the proven ability to influence and communicate effectively across organization
- Ability to work independently with complex challenges
- Solid interpersonal skills with a high level of self-motivation and initiative
- Demonstrated ability to work with large, cross functional (e.g. product, business development, sales, strategy, marketing) and cross-regional teams in a complex, highly matrixed organization to determine business and customer needs and to build solutions to meet those needs
Your career driven by curiosity and customer insights
At Nets, we are working towards realizing a one-company approach to development, innovation and doing business, where you’ll be encouraged to think across borders and business areas to find new ways of merging our products, new technologies and market trends into innovative new solutions.
We want to attract, develop and engage the best talent, which means that at Nets, you’ll be working with colleagues across the Nordics. Whether it is innovation or operation that makes you tick, our company structure allows you to build your own career and grow in a business that encompasses all aspects of the digital payment value chain. We work in a thriving environment characterized by team play and informality and with plenty of social activities within sports, culture and social network.
Please send your application right now and at the latest at 31.01.2019
If you are interested in hearing more about this opportunity please contact Vice President for Processing Services Michael Bidstrup - mbids (at)
At Nets, we specialise in powering digital payments. We connect banks, businesses and consumers via an international network facilitating digital payments. Spanning across the Nordic region, we provide a broad range of card services, account payment services and merchant payment solutions. We offer great payments, great ideas, great network - delivered by great people.
About 2,500 dedicated colleagues work at Nets throughout the Nordic region. As the backbone of the Nordic payments ecosystem with solutions touching people's everyday lives, we have experts in every field from law to heavy back-end programming. Our size and diversity opens up great opportunities for our employees to move forward in their careers and their skills and professional interest develop.
We believe that personal freedom is the key to a dynamic and innovative working environment. We therefore inspire people to think and act independently and creatively. Along with the individual freedom comes a strong tradition of teamwork. Working closely together across professions and borders is an essential part of our culture and a natural part of our complex services.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: NETS Denmark A/S
source: DK-STAR
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